Veal tenderloin in the oven

Veal - an excellent dietary meat of young animals, of course, it is much more tender than the meat of adult bull-calves. Regular inclusion in the diet of fresh veal dishes is especially useful for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the human body. Veal is less fatty than beef, it is one of the best kinds of meat, and veal fillet is the best of the carcass parts, a delicacy.

You can well cook a veal tenderloin baked in the oven in foil, the recipe is the simplest, not requiring any special skills.

Veal tenderloin baked in the oven



Pre-good before baking in the oven to pickle veal fillet in red or pink table unglazed wine. Also add dry ground spices to the wine (for example, a ready mix like hops-suneli, or make a mixture to your liking). If you have not found a good wine, you can pickle the meat in a good beer. Marinate the meat in one piece for at least 2 hours. Before wrapping in foil, quickly wash a piece of meat with cold running water and dry with a tissue.

With the help of a sharp knife you can lard veal cuts in small pieces of garlic and lard (in general, it is optional, as well as pickling, but it turns out juicier and more fragrant).

Cut out a piece of the right size from the foil (it is better to fold it twice). We spread the foil with butter or bacon. We throw sprigs of greens, seeds, we put meat on top, sprinkle seeds and greens on it and pack it in foil, trying to make sure that the juices that are released during baking do not flow out.

We lay the meat packed in foil on a baking tray and bake in an oven at a temperature of about 220 degrees C for at least 1 hour. Before unwrapping the foil lightly cool. We cut the meat into slices and lay out on a serving dish. Decorate with greens, you can lay out a circle of cucumbers in one form or another. As a garnish, it is good to serve potatoes or young string beans, green peas. It's also good to serve mushrooms, any hot sauce (garlic-lemon, tomato), fresh fruit and table wine to the baked veal tenderloin.