Deforming spondylosis

With age, all body systems begin to work worse, and bones and joints wear out due to constant loads. Deforming spondylosis refers to a number of diseases that occur in parallel with osteochondrosis and cause pathological degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, ligaments and vertebrae.

Deforming spondylosis of the spine

In fact, the disease under consideration is the formation of osteophytes in the anterolateral regions of the vertebral bodies. These growths consist of bone tissue and do not disappear on their own.

In addition, deforming spondylosis affects the following structures of the spinal column:

The causes and signs of deforming spondylosis

As already mentioned, aging is the main factor contributing to the development of the pathological process. In addition to it, spondylosis has such causes:

Symptoms of the disease vary depending on which part of the spine is the formation of osteophytes.

The deforming spondylosis of the thoracic region proceeds practically without any clinical manifestations.

As for the cervical and lumbar parts, the following signs of the disease are observed:

Deforming spondylosis of 1 degree - treatment

At any stage of the progression of pathology, therapy is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms, since cure for spondylosis is impossible because of the irreversibility of the process of osteophyte formation.

A number of integrated measures for the described purposes include:

  1. Taking medications to eliminate the inflammatory process, painkillers, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers. In the case of acute pain, light opioids can be prescribed.
  2. Steroid injections (epidural). They are used mainly to reduce puffiness near the joints, to relieve pain.
  3. Compliance with bed rest, but not more than 3 days.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as cryoexposure, electrostimulation, HILT and UHT therapy.
  5. Manual massage with a massage.
  6. Physiotherapy and gymnastics.
  7. Wearing a special supporting corset.
  8. Acupuncture.
  9. Osteopathic measures.
  10. Kinesiology (applied).
  11. Radio wave effect.
  12. Abandonment of bad habits, weight loss and compliance with the rules of a well-balanced diet.

How to treat a deforming spondylosis of 2 degrees?

The more severe form of the ailment often involves surgical intervention. Indication for the operation is the absolute ineffectiveness of conservative treatments, as well as the presence of symptoms accompanying the compression effect of osteophytes on the spinal cord:

The operation consists in removing the bony outgrowths and stabilizing the damaged vertebrae. If necessary, the position of the intervertebral discs can be adjusted simultaneously.

To date, there are effective minimally invasive techniques for performing surgical intervention, which allow to significantly reduce the recovery period, reduce the time for complete rehabilitation of the patient and his motor activity.