Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland - to remove or not?

Benign formation of fibroadenoma is one of the forms of nodal mastopathy. As a rule, the cause of development is a change in the hormonal background, which can be caused by a variety of factors. In form it is defined as a small, round, dense knot with mobility. The size can vary from a few tenths of a millimeter (0.2-0.5) to 5-7 cm in diameter. Consider the fibroadenoma of the breast in more detail and find out: whether it should be removed or not.

How is the diagnosis of the violation carried out?

In most cases, to determine the disease, it is enough to examine an experienced mammologist who, after palpation, will designate an ultrasound. With the help of this device, you are diagnosed.

Additionally, a woman is assigned a biopsy, in order to determine the cellular composition of the formation and to exclude the presence of malignant cells. The final conclusion allows us to make a histological study.

Is it necessary to remove breast fibroadenoma?

It is worth noting that according to medical observations and experience, treatment of such a disease in the vast majority of cases is operational. However, everything depends on the size and exact localization of education.

In those cases where the size of the fibroadenoma is insignificant, is within 5-8 mm, doctors can preset a course of conservative therapy, based on hormonal drugs. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of self-resolution of small formations.

Optimal tactics for doctors can be selected only after the behavior of the diagnostic measures described above, the study of blood to the level of hormones. Often, the course of therapy lasts for about 4-6 months, after which an ultrasound examination is carried out.

If the results are not positive, and at the same time, the tumor size has increased, new foci have appeared, the question of conducting an operative intervention is being raised.

On the question of women as to whether it is necessary to remove fibroadenoma of the breast in such cases, physicians first of all pay attention to the possibility of its degeneration into a malignant one. All this is explained by the fact that education, tumor development - uncontrolled processes and even the most experienced doctor can not predict the further development of the situation.

The data of studies carried out by Western scientists prove that even without apparent reasons, the tumor can become malignant. The leaf-shaped form is most prone to such a process.

Whether it is possible to not delete a fibroadenoma of a mammary gland?

Women who are afraid of surgery often quite often look for an answer to the question of whether to remove fibroadenoma of the breast on the Internet, based on the reviews of women who have had the disease. It must be said that the decision to conduct a surgical intervention is made on an individual basis. In this case, there are certain indications for the operation. Among them are:

With regard to pregnancy, then in view of hormonal changes in the body, in this period, in the presence of fibroadenoma, its significant growth can be noted. As a result, there is a high probability of overlapping the ducts of the gland, which leads to mastitis and a deterioration in overall well-being.

How is the operation performed?

In fibroadenoma surgery can be carried out in 2 ways:

The operation can last 20-60 minutes, is carried out under both local anesthesia and general.