Swelling of the fallopian tubes

Children are flowers of life. I think there are few such people who would like to challenge this common belief. Someone in the life of such flowers appear quite unexpectedly, someone long plans their appearance, but, unfortunately, there are cases when for a long time you can not realize your plans for conceiving a baby. In order to establish the true cause of infertility, sometimes one must resort to certain medical methods. One of which is the purging of the fallopian tubes. This method is necessary to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes, since it is not possible to determine their patency condition manually. In gynecology, blowing pipes has been used successfully for a long time.

Contraindications for the application of this method:

Before blowing the pipes, a thorough gynecological examination should be carried out and a detailed analysis of the discharge should be carried out. The most suitable days for purging the fallopian tubes are the period from the 10th to the 16th day, if counted from the very beginning of menstruation. If you do research on other days, the probability of an erroneous diagnosis increases.

How do they bleed the fallopian tubes?

Ventilation of the fallopian tubes can be done, either with a special apparatus or with a simple device consisting of a uterine tip, a mercury manometer (measures the pressure in the system) and a double rubber cylinder or a large syringe with a capacity of 150 to 200 cm3. Before the operation, you need to urinate and clean the intestines with an enema. All used instruments (uterine tip, mirrors, rubber tube, bullet forceps, tweezers) are carefully sterilized. The study is conducted on a gynecological chair.

At the beginning of the study, the uterine tip is connected by a rubber tube through a manometer with a rubber cylinder. After preliminary preparation, the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​disinfected with alcohol. In order to insert the uterine tip, the external lip is seized with bullet forceps. As a result, the rubber cone of the uterine tip completely closes the opening of the cervical canal. And the tip should be inserted without a preliminary extension of the neck, this avoids the injury of the mucous membrane. To prevent air from escaping past the tip, bullet forceps cross and thereby close the hole of the neck channel around the tip. Then, the system gradually pumped air. Indications of the mercury column should not exceed 150 mm. A higher pressure is dangerous, it can cause spasm of pipes or other undesirable consequences.

Signs that characterize the degree of patency through the fallopian tubes:

  1. The characteristic gurgling through the abdominal wall or a quiet whistle, as well as a fairly rapid drop in pressure on the manometer (from about 150 to 60), indicate a complete patency Fallopian tubes.
  2. The sound of a higher tone and the slow pressure drop in the mercury manometer testify to the partial patency of the fallopian tubes (i.e., the lumen is poorly penetrated somewhere).
  3. Complete absence of sound and stopping of the mercury column at the same level, are possible with complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes or with a spasm of the uterine opening. For more accurate examination, it is necessary to repeat the operation without removing the tip, after 2-3 minutes.