Gynecological diseases in women - list

The list of gynecological diseases that occur in women is quite extensive. The term "gynecological diseases" is usually understood as a violation of the reproductive system. All of them can be divided into 3 groups:

What diseases are most common?

According to the frequency of development of female gynecological diseases, an appropriate list was drawn up. It looks like this:

The above list of gynecological diseases is incomplete, and only displays those disorders that are most frequently encountered in women.

What are the main symptoms of gynecological diseases?

As you know, any disease has its signs, which can be identified. The same with gynecological diseases in women, the list of which is given above. So, the main signs of the disease of the organs of the female reproductive system are:

In this case, they can be observed both individually and together. Their appearance should alert the woman, who at the earliest opportunity is obliged to consult a doctor.

How is the diagnosis of gynecological diseases?

The main place in the definition of female diseases is gynecological examination. It is he who allows you to establish most of the diseases.

However, before the diagnosis is made, the doctor relies not only on the examination data, but also on the results of instrumental research. Most often in gynecology - this is ultrasound and laparoscopy. Without these methods, there is no way to get by with surgical operations. This is the way doctors determine the location of the disorder and its position, relative to other organs. Thus, the use of laparoscopy can reduce the consequence of surgical interventions and prevent the development of complications.

Thus, today the list of gynecological diseases is very large, so their differentiation and definition takes quite a lot of medical time.