Fibrous-fat involution of mammary glands

Fibrous-fat involution of mammary glands is the age-related changes in their tissues, characterized by an increase in fat content.

Today such changes can be considered by doctors as normal, and dangerous phenomena in a woman's body. Everything depends on her age and generative function. Also important are the patient's existing reproductive system diseases. All these points are taken into account when making a diagnosis and the appointment of an individual treatment.

Development of fibrous-fat involution of mammary glands at different ages

Basically fatty involution of breast tissue is characteristic of women after childbirth and in old age. In this case, these processes are natural and do not require special treatment. However, if such a situation occurs in a nulliparous woman of childbearing age, it is necessary to undergo mandatory examinations to exclude endocrine pathology. If the studies have confirmed the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a certain treatment.

Therefore, all girls of childbearing age are strongly advised to visit a specialist twice a year, so as not to miss the onset of the disease and prevent its possible consequences.

During its development the breast passes through 3 stages:

The mammary gland can often be used to judge the age and hormonal background of a woman who regulates the level of development of breast tissue. When she has normal hormonal activity, the mammary glands will be well developed. And with a decrease in hormonal activity, the glandular tissue goes to decline and begins to be replaced by fat and connective tissue. With age, all the systems in the body are rebuilt, so these transformations should not be feared. Age involution of the mammary glands is peculiar, as the physiological functions fade and the actual reproductive cycle ends. But there are also cases when even in 50 years a woman has an excellent condition of the mammary glands. This is characteristic if she never gave birth.

If there are signs of fibro-fat involution of the mammary glands at a young childbearing age, they already indicate serious problems in women's health. In such a situation, consultations with a gynecologist, mammologist, endocrinologist, and other specialists are necessary, based on the current situation.

Treatment of fat involution of mammary glands

Usually treatment is aimed at eliminating the very cause that caused the involution. It is possible to prescribe hormonal drugs for the adjustment of the common hormonal background. With complications that lead to serious diseases, including cancer, surgical intervention is recommended. In general, the treatment is individual and depends on many factors affecting the patient's health.

Thus, the prevention of early occurrence of fibro-fat involution of the mammary glands will not prevent young girls. It consists of nonspecific measures that help maintain the body in its tone and strengthen its resistance to various diseases. It can be daily walks in the fresh air, a small balanced physical load, failure and prevention of bad habits , regular and regular meals , full sleep and rest, morning exercises, avoidance of stress and nervous breakdowns.

Such a caring attitude towards your body will help prevent not only the fibrous-fat involution of the mammary glands, but also avoid many other diseases.