Vaginal sanitation

Sanitation in gynecology is often used treatment. Vaginal sanitation is the treatment of the vagina with drugs for the purpose of disinfection. The choice of antiseptic drugs depends on the indication for sanitation. The choice of the method of sanation is carried out by a gynecologist.

Indications for sanitation of the vagina

Sanitation precedes gynecological surgery, abortion, colposcopy, installation of an intrauterine device, and many other manipulations. It is also used in oncocytology to obtain the final result.

Among the diseases requiring sanation:

  1. Diseases of the genital organs. They can be caused by nonspecific bacteria, viruses, fungi or transmitted sexually.
  2. Active inflammatory processes (vaginitis, inflammation of the uterus).
  3. Sometimes you can carry out the sanation yourself, for example, in the treatment of candidiasis .

Sanitation before childbirth

Sanitation before childbirth is an obligatory procedure and will allow to clean the vagina from infections. The immune system of a pregnant woman can not always completely destroy a possible threat. In this case, the fetus contacts all microorganisms of the birth canal at birth. In addition, infections can quickly develop in the mother's body, since after birth generates a favorable environment for their development.

The sanation of the birth can avoid possible infection, but it is prescribed only by a specialist. Useful bacteria also undergo the action of injected drugs, the microflora of the vagina is completely destroyed. The doctor should evaluate the possible risks, taking into account the research data. After all, sanation is not just a procedure, it's a cure.

As sanitizing measures a woman can independently, on the prescription of a doctor, be treated with vaginal antimicrobial suppositories, capsules, douching . In the conditions of a female polyclinic or a hospital, doctors carry out vaginal baths, disinfectant solutions, inject tampons with medicines.