Unleavened kvass

In summer it is especially pleasant to drink a glass of refreshing and fragrant cold kvass. The lack of yeast in the drink will make it doubly attractive, tasty and useful. We will prepare this kvass today.

Bezdorozhevoy kvass at home - a recipe for rye starter with malt



The first thing that needs to be done for cooking kvass is to cook the breadcrumbs from Borodino bread. To do this, cut the loaf into plates, which are then cut into cubes and laid out on a baking tray. We dispose of bread slices in a heated to 200 degree oven for about thirty minutes. Bread should not only dry up, but also a little brown.

In a glass bottle we place one hundred and ten grams of cooked crumbs, add dark rye malt, pour all the boiled water with water, wrap it and leave the vessel about a day before it cools down completely.

Now a little bit of the obtained infusion is mixed with the leaven and poured back into the bottle. Add sugar and carefully mix. We install a hydraulic seal on the vessel and leave it for a day at room conditions for fermentation. After the passage of time, we filter kvass, pour it on bottles, tightly seal it and put it on the shelf of the refrigerator to cool.

Homemade kvass from unleavened bread



The activator of the fermentation process in this case is a must prepared from crackers. Black unleavened bread, as well as in the previous case, cut into cubes and dried to a blush in the oven. We put a little ruddy bread slices in a jar, add a teaspoon of sugar, pour warm water and leave it under a towel under room conditions for two days.

Now pour the must in a three-liter jar, pour two more handfuls of crackers there, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and top it with water. We cover the vessel with a cloth or a towel and let it stand on the windowsill for one or two more days. After that, we filter the drink, add sugar to taste, pour it into bottles, put each of the raisins in each pair and put it on the refrigerator shelf.