Oatmeal - recipe

The benefits of oatmeal are known to everyone, perhaps. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, is an excellent antioxidant, and also fills the body with energy. But apart from the usual porridge from this cereal, you can cook an incredibly useful kissel. It perfectly envelops the stomach and is therefore simply necessary for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Recipes how to make oatmeal kissel, waiting for you below.

Kissel from oatmeal - recipe



In oat flakes we pour boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. After they are swollen, wipe them through a sieve and place in an enameled pot. Add 3 more glasses of warm water, put the mass on a small fire and boil the mixture until thick. Do not forget to stir the jelly.

Oatmeal - recipe



We pour oatmeal with warm water, add crusts of black bread and put 2 days in a warm place. Periodically, the mass must be stirred, making sure that the mass does not wander much. The finished mixture must have a slight sourness. After that, the liquid is drained, slightly salted, boiled, and everything - the dish is ready.

Simple oat jelly on kefir - recipe



Oat flakes and unpeeled oats are placed in a glass jar, poured with kefir, mix well and let stand for about 24 hours in a warm place. Then filter, the grain is thrown away, and the remaining liquid is poured into 1.5 liters of clean water and boiled.

Oat pudding on water - recipe



Oat flakes are poured into a large jar. There we pour in water of room temperature, cover with a lid and put it in a dark place for 2 days. After this, the resulting mass is filtered through a sieve, while the flakes can be crushed with a spoon, so that the liquid leaves better. Cook the jelly, stirring constantly, so that the sediment on the bottom of the pan does not burn. After boiling immediately remove it from the fire. To taste in the cooled down drink it is possible to add honey. Also, if desired, you can add pre-steamed and sliced ​​dried fruit.

Oat jelly in milk - recipe



In a deep bowl, pour oatmeal, pour them warm milk and leave for 20 minutes to swell. After this, above the saucepan, install a sieve lined with gauze in 2 layers. Strain the milk with oatmeal. At the end of the edge, we connect and squeeze oatmeal from the remaining liquid and set aside. From it you can cook a fine porridge. Now, from the total volume of the liquid, we cast about 100 ml and dissolve starch in it. Stir the mass to a homogeneous state. Pour pan with the rest of the milk on the fire, pour sugar into it, add vanillin and after boiling introduce diluted starch, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Again, bring the mixture to a boil and reduce the fire to a minimum. All the same, stirring boil the kissel until thick. Then we cool it, pour it on the bowls or cups. Top with sugar and serve as a dessert.

Oatmeal - simple recipe



Oat flakes are filled with water. We put the saucepan on the stove and cook for about 35 minutes, then filter, and the remaining flakes are wiped through a small sieve. The broth is mixed with the mashed mass, again brought to a boil and a little podsalivaem.