Moonshine from pears

Moonshine - this is a fairly strong alcoholic beverage, obtained as a result of distillation of alcohol-containing products. As raw material can be used sugar, or berries and fruits that contain pure sugar, or starch-containing raw materials: rye, barley, wheat, corn. In this article, we will consider with you how to make moonshine from a pear.

Recipe for moonshine from pears



So, for the preparation of moonshine from pears, we wash the fruit well, dry it, transfer it to a large pan or a tank, fill it with water and cook it on a weak fire until soft. Then we pour sugar, put fresh yeast and mix everything thoroughly. The ready mass is removed from the plate and set for fermentation for 7 days in a warm place. Then we distill the mixture through the brewer's apparatus 2 times. Ready to put the moonshine in clean bottles and clean for a while in the refrigerator.

Moonshade from apples and pears



Fruits properly in a large bowl. Then cut the tails and cut them into 4 parts. After that, grind pears and apples blender until smooth. Fruit pulp is poured into a large pot, pour water, add sugar and yeast. We cover the prepared mixture with gauze on top and put it for fermentation in a warm place for about two weeks, so that the fruit should be properly fermented, and the tincture acquired a sweet taste. Now we use the moonshine and overtake the mass, turning it about 2-3 hours into a ready-made homebrew.

Moonshine from the pear cake


For syrup:


Pears rinse, wipe dry with a towel and rub the fruit on a large grater. The resulting mass is transferred to a clean jar and poured with vodka. Then cover the jar with gauze, and leave in a warm place for about 5 weeks. After that, the released liquid is poured out and squeezed the cake well. To make syrup we take pear juice, pour out sugar, mix and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then a little cool. Now we pour the syrup into the squeezed pear cake, mix it, strain it through gauze and pour the ready-brewed vodka on the bottles.

In the same way, you can prepare a moonshine from homemade grapes or jams .