Tua care

Thuya is an evergreen shrub that is great for creating a hedge and decorating a plot. To plants are pleasing to the eye, they need to be properly tended. Complicated in the care of thuies there is nothing, but you need to do this regularly and by all means. Planting and caring for thuja

Planted with thuja seeds or seedlings. In early spring, planting and care of thujas during this period consists in the correct watering and protection of seedlings from wind and direct sunlight. Caring for room tuya is not difficult and if you do not have your own site, then you can grow a beautiful bush in the apartment. To do this, it is necessary to provide the plant with scattered light, watering abundantly in summer and moderately in winter. From May to September, it is necessary to carry out additional fertilizing with special fertilizers for needles.

Care for the spring in the spring

Some varieties of spring are covered with unsightly spots of brownish-brown color. It's sunburn and getting rid of them is not so easy. During the winter, the sun and cold winds dry up the needles. And the frozen ground prevents the roots from replenishing the lack of moisture. To avoid the appearance of such spots in the spring, it is necessary to start caring for the thuys from the autumn. Protect the needles from exposure to direct sun rays: use linen, chintz, matting or special industrial materials as a covering material. The tree is carefully wrapped so that the wind does not tear off the protection.

Caring for the tree in the spring involves the removal of all dry shoots. If for the winter you did the strapping with a protective film, then in the spring it must be removed and let the branches take their natural position for several days. After this begins the formation of the crown, in other words, the haircut.

In spring, all plants are fed with liquid organic fertilizers, as well as complex mineral fertilizing for coniferous plants or compost . But you can feed only a year after disembarkation.

Touja care in winter

So that your saplings well endure the winter, they need to be properly prepared. Young plants should always be sheltered to avoid contact with snow and direct winter sun rays.

Never snow on the needles while cleaning the tracks. A thick layer of snow will provoke the sprouting of needles during the thaw period, which as a result will lead to the appearance of spots.

If the plant is planted with varieties with a dense strict form, under the weight of snow, the crown may "break" and decorate will be lost. Therefore, late in the autumn, it is necessary to fix the crown with a rope.