Charms for Easter

Surely everyone knows how important is the holiday of Christ's Resurrection for Orthodox Christians. And many people, on the eve of the Great Day, try to attract happiness and good fortune to their house, protect them from evil forces and destruction. There are many different charms and charms for Easter , which help to bring luck into the house and take away trouble. In this article we will talk in more detail about these important aspects of the holiday.

Plots and amulets for Easter

For a long time it is believed that prayers have very strong energy, help people to get rid of illnesses or attract good luck. Therefore, all the charms and charms for Easter much more strongly affect the welfare of man. Most festive ordinances are performed on Pure Thursday. On the same day, salt is spoken, prayers are read for luck and all possible diseases and misfortunes.

To attract money to the house for Easter read conspiracies for amulets to attract wealth. Most often before the Great Day on Saturday, before sunset take a large coin and make a slander on them: "In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit. Money to the money, a pretty penny to a penny. How people are waiting for the Bright Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so would the servant of God (name) go to me the river. All the holy saints, everything is with me. Amen . " After that, a coin must be worn in your purse for a whole year.

Among the existing conspiracies and amulets for Easter, the most popular are the conspiracy against diseases. To protect yourself and your family from ailments, you need to take a little white thin skin birch, to brew it at three o'clock in the morning, adding to the brew three pinch of salt, ash and eggshell from the krishaks. During the preparation of the drink you should read the spell: "As in the Bright Sunday, Easter, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so the servant of God (name) is given healing and deliverance from the disease. Amen. "The resulting drug can be given to drink to the patient for early healing.

To ensure that comfort, harmony and love always reign in the house, you can give amulets for Easter. As a rule, they are made by themselves. Cute dolls-motanki , Easter bunnies, egg -boxes with baskets, cakes and krushenok made from tissue without using a needle. They give such amulets, as a rule, to relatives and friends.