How to prepare for the Communion?

Communion is one of the most important sacraments of the church, when the believers commune with the Body and Blood of Christ. In the church through the Royal Gates the priest takes out bread and wine, which symbolizes the Body and Blood of God. Thanks to the use of these products, a person approaches as close as possible to the Higher Powers.

How to prepare for the Communion?

To this event one must prepare in advance and fulfill certain conditions, since disobedience can be perceived by the Almighty as a sin.

How to properly prepare for Communion:

  1. A person should be aware of the meaning of what is happening. The main goal of the Sacrament is the union with Christ and the purification from sins. If there is no awareness of such a profound meaning, it is better not to go to the service.
  2. Of great importance is the presence of a sincere desire to become one with Christ. The existence of bad thoughts and hypocrisy during the Sacrament can have serious consequences.
  3. Understanding how to prepare before Communion and confession, it is worth mentioning about an important component - the spiritual world. A believing person must be cleansed of anger, hatred and other negative qualities that interfere with living in happiness and harmony with oneself.
  4. A person who wants to take communion should not violate church canons and morals.
  5. A believer must constantly subject himself to self-tests, resist temptations and sins. It is important to keep the commandments and do good deeds.
  6. Finding out how to prepare for Communion in the church, it is necessary to say about the need to adhere to the liturgical fast. It is that from midnight before the communion you can not eat or drink anything, because touching the Bowl is necessary on an empty stomach.
  7. Another important component of the preparation for Communion is confession . To go to a personal reception with a priest can be the night before or in the morning, just before the liturgy. If the church is heavily loaded, for example, before some holiday, you can go to confession a few days before Communion.
  8. Another rule that relates to how to prepare for Communion is to follow the bodily fast. It is not recommended during the days of preparation to entertain and waste your energy over trifles. It is best to go to church and worship, and also to pray at home. Be sure to stick to the fasting in the meal, excluding the menu of meat and dairy food. There is one rule: the more a person takes communion, the less the body post should last, and vice versa. The people who will take communion for the first time, and those who did not observe long positions, before the Communion are encouraged to limit themselves to eating about a week.
  9. Communion services, which are held in the church, help prepare for Communion. It is recommended to come to the service the night before and pray with other believers. Do not forget about home prayer. To the usual morning and evening prayers, one should add reading of such canons: penitential to the Lord, a prayer service to the Most Holy Theotokos and an angel to the guardian. On the eve of the liturgy, one should read the adherence to Holy Communion.
  10. The last rule of preparation is bodily cleanliness. On the eve of a man and a woman should give up sexual contact. It is not recommended to receive communion with men who experienced an involuntary discharge at night, as well as women during critical days and within 40 days after birth.

Many people are still concerned with the question of how to prepare for Communion with pregnant women. In fact, the process of preparation is absolutely no different from the above. Only needs to consider the needs of the female body and the physical condition.