Thursday salt - application

Salt was always in the honor of the Slavs. It is used in divination, various rituals, and also for making amulets. On a special account in Orthodoxy is Thursday salt, the field of application of which is quite wide. Since ancient times, it was used not only for its own protection, but also for the protection of livestock and crops. The thing is that such salt has a huge energy, which can be directed to the desired channel. Spotted on Pure Thursday , salt can be used throughout the year.

Application of Thursday salt in case of illness

Since ancient times, salt, cooked on Pure Thursday, used to treat various diseases, consider several options:

  1. To remove any types of rashes it is possible with the help of salt baths, for which it is necessary to add 1 teaspoon of Thursday salt in 1 liter of boiling water. Ready brine, pour into the water in the bathroom and take it. After three procedures, the disease completely recedes.
  2. If a person is very sick, then it is necessary to take a usual white cold and moisten it in water, in which previously put a pinch of salt. A wet sheet should cover the patient and this should lead to an improvement in the condition.
  3. Helps salt and colds, so from cough and sore throat should be used rinsing with salt solution, and with a headache you can make a salt compress, for which on 1 tbsp. water should take 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

The use of Thursday salt from the evil eye

Salt, cooked on Pure Thursday, has protective properties, so it is customary to use it to remove spoilage or the evil eye. There are a couple of common and effective rituals.

Option number 1 . To perform the ritual, you need to stand before sunrise, take a handful of salt and pour it on top of your head. During this it is necessary to say these words:

"How the salt will come down - so the evil eye will go away."

Words repeat 23 times. After that, salt should be licked three times and thrown over the left shoulder. Finish the ritual, three times spitting. Will only swim in the bathroom to remove all the negative.

Option number 2 . Another way to use the Thursday salt in magic is to remove the impact from the side: take 1 liter of key water (the liquid from the tap can be dialed only after midnight) and dissolve there 1 teaspoon of Thursday salt. The resulting solution "infected" person should drink for 30 minutes. If after this there was vomiting or upset stomach, then the ritual should be repeated the next day. You need to repeat everything until all the negative consequences disappear.

Applying Thursday salt to attract love

For solitary people who dream of finding their soul mate, a ritual with salt is suitable. Take a plain sheet of paper and write on it a favorite male name, and then, describe its appearance, paying attention to every detail, for example, the color of the eyes. After this, it is necessary to write down the character traits that the future elect must possess. When all descriptions will be ready, fold the sheet in the form of an envelope, inside pour a little Thursday salt and place it under the pillow. The next day, put the envelope in the drawer where the underwear is stored. Thanks to this ritual it will be possible in the near future to get acquainted with a worthy man.

The use of Thursday salt for alcoholism

Alcoholism is one of the global problems of modern society. To save a loved one from this addiction, you can use the salt of Thursday. She needs to sprinkle an alcoholic during sleep, and the salt should be on the head, chest and legs. During this it is necessary to say such a conspiracy :

"As people around do not salt, so the vodka does not force you. Amen".