Overeating: the consequences

Everyone knows that overeating is very harmful to the body, but not everyone can stop in time - especially when it comes to banquets, where tables are full of delicacies and so you want to try everything! However, the fight against overeating should begin with such a simple thing as controlling portions and the amount of food eaten at home. If you get used to overeat and every day get up from the table with a weight in your stomach, it will lead to negative consequences.

What threatens overeating?

We all know the catch phrase that getting up from the table needs to be slightly hungry, but how many people do you know who use this rule in practice? Consider a list of what is harmful to overeating:

As can be seen from this list, overeating the consequences is quite serious, and when it becomes a habit, obesity with all its accompanying diseases is also added. Scientists say that for one meal should be eaten as much as would go into a handful of your two hands.

Overeating: what to do?

Many people are trying to find some universal way to deal with overeating, but the answer is one - self-control: use a medium-sized dish and do not eat more than it comes in;

Observing such rules, you can easily refuse from overeating. The main thing is not to break the first 2 weeks - then such food will become a habit, and will not give you trouble.