Obesity of the liver

Everyone knows that the main enemy of the liver: toxins. They can be alcohol, drugs or medications. Accordingly, the causes that cause obesity of the liver are divided into:

Obesity of the liver affects not only patients who abuse alcohol or are exposed to other toxic substances. Steatosis also occurs when:

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Most often, steatosis is asymptomatic. However, if you wake up with an unpleasant bitter taste in your mouth, the tongue is covered with plaque, and in the right upper quadrant the heaviness or pain is felt, it is necessary to contact the doctor - all this indicates a violation of the liver.

Nevertheless, the signs of obesity of the liver helps to identify only computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On ultrasound, liver tissue with steatosis usually shows normal echogenicity, and even a qualified doctor may not notice abnormalities. Finally, the target biopsy can be confirmed by CT scan.

How to treat obesity of the liver?

If the cause of steatosis is associated with alcohol and other toxins, stop taking them immediately.

Reduce the amount of fat deposits in the liver will help also:

Regardless of the reasons for obesity, the liver needs a diet, within which it is necessary to abandon foods with a high glycemic index. They are:

Nutrition for obesity of the liver should include more vegetables, fruits, legumes and unprocessed cereals. For better bile production and liver cleansing, you need to eat at least 3, and preferably 5 times a day. No, you do not need to overeat - just divide the daily volume of food into several small portions to start the mechanism of bile secretion.

How to help your liver?

Of course, the right menu for obesity of the liver provides purification and recovery of the body cells, but you can help the body in this process. To tablets of a chemical origin it is not necessary to resort - these are all the same toxins. But the medicinal herbs and other natural products do not harm.

Effectively use:

Special collection of herbs (liver tea), which is sold in any pharmacy, should be consumed not only with steatosis, but also for prevention, especially if you are at risk: you suffer from diabetes, obesity, face toxins.

In combination with diet, the treatment with folk remedies helps to overcome the obesity of the liver, clearing the diseased organ and restoring its cells. It is worth paying attention to the state of the environment: if you live in a polluted area, think about moving, because the best medicine for obesity and other liver diseases is clean air, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.