Many birthmarks on the body

If you have many birthmarks on your body - this is not a cause for concern. Much worse, if the old mole began to change color, or shape. Let's talk about what caused such metamorphosis and what could be the consequences.

Why are there many moles on the body?

The reasons that there are many moles on the body can be very different. Usually these new growths appear in childhood, in infants they do not. After the first year of life, small light spots become slightly larger, with time they darken and turn into habitual birthmarks. Most people have such happy marks about forty. If the moles are less - this is a rarity, only 10% of people on the body have less than 25 moles. Abnormally large number of tumors is 100 and above, such people on Earth only 5%. In themselves, moles appear, reacting to ultraviolet radiation. In the process of growth, new cells produce excess melanin, which is reflected in color.

In many countries moles are considered a sign of good luck and not in vain. Not so long ago, scientists noted that those who have a lot of moles on their bodies grow older much slower than other people and less sick.

The fact is that the human body with a large number of markers produces white blood cells with several elongated telomeres. This has a positive effect on health:

How the appearance of moles with the length of telomeres is connected, scientists have not yet established. This is the same mystery as the very reason for the appearance of a large number of moles.

New moles - a signal of danger

If all your moles are with you for a long time, there is no cause for concern. But if you notice that the body has become a lot of moles only recently, you need to go for advice to a doctor. It is more reasonable to consult a therapist, and he will write out a referral to an oncologist, or an endocrinologist. First of all, the choice of a doctor will depend on other symptoms that the therapist will discover. More often new birthmarks appear because of such factors:

Also on the body there are many new birthmarks in the period of adolescent maturation, pregnancy and menopause.

If you have a lot of small birthmarks on your body, you do not need to fight them, it's absolutely not dangerous for life. Similarly, red birthmarks are not a threat to health. These are mutated blood vessel cells, they disappear as easily as they appear. Many red moles on the body - just a testament to the fact that you have a tendency to couperose .

It is much more dangerous to have large, convex pigmented spots. Such birthmarks are easily traumatized, and this increases the probability of their degeneration into a malignant tumor. Skin cancer is a dangerous disease, and it is easier to track it precisely by observing large birthmarks. Here are the most dangerous symptoms:

Many doctors recommend removing large moles to avoid the development of melanoma in the future. This procedure is practically safe and really reduces the risk, but not every birthmark can be removed, each case is individual.

If you have a lot of moles on your body, it is almost useless to remove them. In this case, preventive measures should be followed:

  1. Do not use the solarium.
  2. Wear closed clothing in summer.
  3. Use sunscreen.
  4. Do not injure birth marks, do not remove hair growing from them.