Portable air humidifier

During the heating season, the air in apartments and offices becomes very dry. And to make it comfortable for breathing, many people buy air humidifiers . They are different in design, functionality and cost. If you do not dare to buy a standard household humidifier, think about an alternative option, because there are portable models of such devices. Their device is very simple, the cost is several times smaller, and the effect is practically the same, the difference is only in scale.

How does a portable air humidifier work?

So, the energy for the work portable air humidifier takes from the usb port of your computer or laptop. The principle of its operation is extremely simple: this ultrasonic device turns water into a cold steam from a conventional plastic bottle. From the user of this gadget requires a minimum set of actions: connect the device to a power source, fix it on a bottle of clean water and press the power button. In a few minutes the air in the room will become more moist and pleasant.

In addition to breathing, air moistened in this way also has a beneficial effect on the skin of a person. Recommended for people with a tendency to allergies.

The compactness of this device does not allow to humidify the air in spacious rooms, it is rather designed to create a microclimate of the user of a particular workplace: the radius of its action is no more than 10 m & sup2. That's why these devices are often purchased as office equipment: in winter - to escape from excessively dry air, in summer - to create comfortable conditions in an air-conditioned room. Often, they buy portable humidifiers for small bedrooms, children's rooms and even for cars (some models can work from a cigarette lighter).

It should be noted that the operation of a portable air humidifier on a bottle assumes the use of virtually any plastic container with a screw cap. The only nuance - the diameter of the latter should be within 28-32 mm, otherwise you will have problems with fixing the device.

The presence of a ceramic membrane, light indication and adapter for an electrical outlet makes the humidifiers more practical and convenient to use, however this also affects the price of the product. The most popular model of portable humidifiers among consumers is the Bottle Caps Humidifier, Orient AH-005 and the line of mini humidifiers from the manufacturer of household appliances Scarlett.