Yellowish discharge during pregnancy

The so-called yellowish discharge, when pregnant, often cause concern for expectant mothers. In principle, the natural secret in this period can normally acquire such color. This is due, in the first place, to changes in the hormonal background. In view of the strong increase in the concentration in the blood of progesterone, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, the discharge may have this shade. In addition, they also contain dead cells of the mucous membrane of the genital tract, as well as a small number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which can also impart color.

Because of what during pregnancy can there be yellowish discharge?

As it was said above, this sign does not always indicate a violation. So, uninvested, yellowish discharge during pregnancy, in its first trimester can be a variant of the norm if additional symptoms, such as itching, the appearance of smell, burning, flushing of the skin in the groin area, are absent.

However, a woman should always be wary of such manifestations. Thus, yellowish-green discharge during pregnancy often indicates the presence of infection of the reproductive system. It should be noted that this sign does not mean that the infection of the future mother occurred during the gestation period. There is a rather large number of conditionally pathogenic bacteria that can be present in the reproductive system, but do not let them know about themselves. With the onset of gestation, the defenses of the body weaken, the vaginal environment changes, which creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Because it is in the early stages of an acute exacerbation of infectious diseases, which previously had a latent flow.

How to determine the pathogen by the color of the discharge?

Just worth mentioning - in order to accurately establish the pathogen, a woman must pass a swab from the vagina. However, doctors with a high degree of probability can assume that this is a disease and a hint of vaginal discharge.

Dense, yellowish discharge during pregnancy, the color saturation of which increases over time, can indicate inflammatory processes - salpingitis, adnexitis. In such cases, there is always a rise in body temperature, the appearance of soreness in the lower abdomen.

Darkening of the color of discharge, the appearance of an impurity of pus, may indicate the presence of pathogens such as staphylococcus, E. coli. Yellow with a brown or greenish tinge, appearing in pregnancy, indicate a sexually transmitted infection. Among these are gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Often in such cases, the discharge acquires a bubbly consistency.

What are the consequences?

Yellowish discharge without smell during pregnancy, as a rule, is not a deviation from the norm. However, even in such a case, it is not superfluous to inform the doctor about them. The doctors will appoint studies that will refute or confirm the fears of the future mother.

The thing is that infections during pregnancy can lead to irreversible consequences. These include fetal infection, congenital malformations, premature birth, spontaneous abortion on short terms. It is also worth noting that an untimely cured disease can have long-term consequences for a woman's health.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the yellowish discharge that appears during pregnancy can be a variant of the norm or indicate a disease. That is why a survey in this case is mandatory.