Single cord roundabout around the neck of the fetus

Often, during an ultrasound during pregnancy, a woman hears from the doctor such an opinion as a single cord around the neck of the fetus. This fact causes panic in almost all future mothers who face such a situation. Let's try to figure it out and find out: is such a thing so scary and how can it be dangerous for a baby to have a single cord around the neck with a cord?

What causes the accent?

To begin with, it must be said that this kind of phenomenon can both arise and disappear on its own. That's why doctors are in no hurry to draw any conclusions, and in most cases occupy wait and see tactics. As a rule, if the accusation was found approximately in the middle of the gestation period, then ultrasound is performed already before delivery, at 37 weeks of gestation.

As for the direct causes of a single cord by the umbilical cord, experts usually call the following factors leading to this:

Thus, with polyhydramnios, the baby has a large space for movement, which rarely increases the likelihood of developing the cord of the umbilical cord not only around the body, but also the neck.

As for hypoxia, it is often considered as a provoking factor, i.e. Inadequate supply of oxygen to the fetus via the umbilical cord can lead to an increase in its motor activity. In the end, the fetus simply falls into one of the umbilical cord loops.

What should I do with a single cord round the neck of the fetus?

According to statistics, about 10% of cases of this kind of phenomenon leads to complications. That's why the future mother should not be very worried and nervous about this. Moreover, the excitement from the mother can be transmitted to the fetus, which will only aggravate the situation.

With regard to the actions of doctors, then, as already mentioned above, if the loop available on the neck does not squeeze the fruit, that doctors prefer to use wait-and-see tactics, i.e. wait almost until delivery.

In order to determine the condition of the fetus with a single cord with the umbilical cord of his neck, cardiotocography (CTG) and dopplerometry can be prescribed . The first study involves recording the heartbeat of the baby, and using the second, determine the state of the intensity of blood flow in the vessels located in the umbilical cord itself.

What is dangerous for this phenomenon?

A single, non-circular cord of the umbilical cord, as a rule, does not present any danger to the health and development of the fetus. During the course of the course of pregnancy, this phenomenon can occur repeatedly and disappear itself, which is proved by the ultrasound during pregnancy.

As a rule, the danger to the health of the future baby is a double tight accent. With this phenomenon, the development of oxygen starvation is noted. This disorder negatively affects the processes of intrauterine development of the fetus and the development of brain structures in particular. So, as a result, there may be a decrease in adaptive capacity, a violation of metabolic processes, damage to the nervous system. The degree of negative impact directly depends on the duration of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

It is also worth noting that the strong tension of the umbilical cord, in view of the shortening of its overall length due to entanglement, often leads to a premature detachment of the placenta, which requires intervention by physicians.

Thus, as can be seen from this article, a single cord wound around the cord of the fetus around his neck should not cause alarm to the future mother, tk. does not affect its development in any way.