Strength of mind

Often the concept of will power and the strength of the spirit of man are identified. But, to be precise, these are completely different things. In this article we will define the strength of the human spirit, consider ways how to find and develop it.

The strength of the spirit of man and its examples

The inner potential, the second breath, the reserves of the psyche and the body, emotional stability, the ability to remain calm and adequate thinking in extreme situations - all this is the strength of the spirit.

Examples of people who have it in full, we observe every day, just sometimes we do not notice. Most often they are near us - parents, grandparents. After all, few people think about how difficult it is to remain calm and be able to enjoy life in old age, to fight various diseases and at the same time to help children and grandchildren. In addition, it is worth paying attention and thinking about examples of successful people with physical disabilities. They overcame the problem of the strength of the human spirit through long life tests, associated not only with an incurable disease, but also with a heavy emotional load. Such people have learned to cope with difficulties on their own, to achieve their goals and truly appreciate the time.

How to bring up the strength of the spirit?

The first step is to learn how to love life in all its manifestations, to cherish every minute of it. It is necessary to realize that it is pointless to constantly regret the past and be afraid of future mistakes. Past events can not be changed in any way, and the future depends entirely on real actions, current behavior and way of thinking are the basis of the future.

The next stage should be the understanding of personal responsibility for one's own life and development. It is advisable to stop blaming fate or higher powers in everything. Everything that happens sooner or later, both bad and good, is the result of our own decisions and choices made.

The previous two steps gradually pass to the third - the ability to understand and love others, to accept and respect their opinion, to forgive and sympathize. A really strong person never responds to revenge for any perfect evil. This does not mean that one should not seek justice and well-deserved punishment. Just the strength of the spirit involves the ability to recognize their own mistakes, understand the motives and feelings of another person, forgive even serious misconduct.

And, at last, strong in spirit have a firm vital position and steady moral and moral norms. This means that in no case should one renounce personal principles and adjust to the opinions of others. It should be correct and tactful, but firmly uphold their views, adhere to the chosen line of conduct. Of course, the ability to find a compromise is very valuable, but only if the way out of the situation does not degrade personal dignity.

How to develop and strengthen strength of mind?

It is necessary to remember the four components of a strong spirit:

  1. Physical health.
  2. Self-confidence and self-reliance.
  3. Timely rest and relaxation, meditation.
  4. Self-improvement and expansion of horizons.

In addition, every day lived, with any emotional stress, constantly strengthens every person. After all, both overcoming difficulties and joyful events are an invaluable experience and hardening for the human spirit.

Books about the power of the spirit, which are worth reading:

  1. The easy way, the author is Mother Teresa.
  2. The theory of everything, the author is Ken Wilber.
  3. Cosmic Consciousness, by Richard Maurice Beck.
  4. The doors of perception, the author - Aldous Huxley.
  5. Journey of the soul, author - Michael Newton.