How to train memory?

How do we get mad at ourselves when a stupid song from an ad just seen for a few weeks does not leave our brains, and with all the genius of remembering such nonsense, we can not get our own phone number into our heads. Where do such contradictions come from in our brains and how to deal with ourselves - think, reflect and remember below.

Age of memory

The first thing that comes to mind when we are offered ways how to train memory is to complain about age. It is a well-known fact that children can easily and unobtrusively remember a long poem (adults think so, who have already forgotten how difficult it was to teach poetry to a lesson in literature). And with age (in this it is convenient to be sure), the capabilities of our brain quickly go out.

Indeed, a person is born with unlimited memory, the peak of which is at the age of 25 years. In early childhood, memory is small, so we do not remember much of the first years of life. At school, active development of the brain begins - the amount of information that is vital to learn, the brain comes to meet us and reveals its capabilities before us.

Then most people continue their studies at universities, and then they start working. All this stimulates our brain to develop and maintain a tone, like the muscles of the legs, which are trained daily by running. That is why, because of what way of life we lead, and not because of physiological characteristics, the peak memory capacity falls on 25 years. Next, we become "smart" and already know how to work so as not to strain the brain. And, what to say about those who retired and generally does not bother the head?

From all this it follows that the question of how to train the memory of an adult is not hopeless, but even very promising, because the capabilities of the human brain are still unexplored by scientists, and hence can be called practically inexhaustible. The main thing is to overcome laziness.

Visual memory

Let's start with how to train visual memory.

For most women, visual memory is best developed, it is possible because we spend so much time in front of a mirror, focusing our eyes on the most different details and flaws in our appearance.

It is on this lesson that the first exercise is based. You need to sit comfortably on the chair, calm down and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Look at the hand, trying to see, to know every millimeter of skin. You can blink, but you can not look anywhere else. Start with 5-10 seconds and finish gradually to 10 minutes of training. During classes, drive away extraneous thoughts and learn to concentrate your eyes according to your desire.

So you learn to remember not advertising, pasted at the bus stop, but the information that you need.

Short-term memory

Now the way how to train short-term memory . Take an object that you like, look at it for 5-7 seconds, trying to "take a picture". When breathing is delayed, close your eyes and reproduce the object. On exhalation, dissolve it.

Repeat this exercise twice a day, each time practicing for 5 minutes and trying to study with different subjects.

Auditory memory

The key to remembering is concentration. If we can focus on some subject, then his memorization is guaranteed.

Let's see how to train the auditory memory.

When you are on the street, connect all the brain work to your ears. Look, listen carefully. in what passers-by say, what sounds are heard around, how the leaves rustle. This will teach you the concentration.

Turn on the album of a group, listening, try to figure out which member of the group is singing at the moment. Then memorize the melody, play it and associate it with the name of the performer, who in your opinion sings it.

When you are talking on the phone with an unknown person, try, listening to what and how he says, to guess his appearance. So you will learn not only to listen carefully and remember, but also become a little "psychologist".