Developing games for adults

If you are thinking about what you want to improve your logic and memory , the key to your success will be focused pursuits. Children's memory is developed with simple exercises, and for adults the ideal option will be games that develop memory for adults. In these games you can play as a two, or a small company. We offer several games to choose from:

  1. Remember the action. You tell the other participant the actions that he must perform in order. For example, he should stand up, open the window, return to the room, get a pink notebook from the second shelf and shift it onto the sofa. Play all by turns. The list of actions should increase every time.
  2. You open any picture on the computer, another player remembers it for 30 seconds. Then he turns away and says that he has remembered what he saw. They also play in turn. Gradually, the time reserved for memorization is reduced.
  3. One player is blindfolded and driven through the territory by a certain route. For example, two steps straight, then six steps to the left, seven steps straight, turning back and so on. Then the player must repeat this route with his eyes open.
  4. Two people sit with their backs to each other. The facilitator asks everyone about the person behind him: what color are his eyes, shirt, whether there are rings. The winner is the one who answers correctly for more questions.

Developing logical games for adults

Developing logic games for adults are known to everyone, literally, from the very childhood. Checkers, chess, backgammon, sea battle, monopoly - all these games help the development of logical thinking. You can play together in games on paper: gallows, tic-tac-toe. Why not engage in joint solving Sudoku, scanwords and crossword puzzles? By the way, if you have a big company, you can organize a game "What, where, when?" Or "The smartest."

Games developing attention for adults

With the help of some games you can increase the concentration of attention . Try to collect puzzles and puzzles. You can play various "memorabilia". A good game that develops thinking and attention of adults will be the exercise "what has changed." Before the participant put several items, he remembers for a short time. Then he turns away. During this time, the leader changes objects in places and changes their number. The participant must determine what has changed.