How to attract good luck?

Everyone knows that luck is an accidental and unpredictable event, and success is planned and predictable. To attract their lives you need to make considerable efforts. It begins with the purification of life and thoughts from the negative. In addition, we need to revise the attitude towards ourselves, since self-esteem in achieving certain successes is of great importance. As you know, thoughts have the ability to materialize. The said words rush into the universe, which does everything possible to bring the desired into life. The world is ready to give you all the best, the main thing is to correctly make an "order".

How to draw luck and luck with a mascot?

To attract good luck, you can find yourself "little helpers", for example, to make talismans. The most simple amulet is a knot for luck. For him you will need a red thick thread, on which you need to tie up the maximum number of knots allowed. During tying, say the following words: "A knot to the knot, tie, braid, nodules I think, I call good fortune. With the first knot - luck enters the house, with the second nodule - settles in it, with the third nodule - she is always with me. I'll tie up the rest of the nodules and tie them to me . " The talisman must always be with you. From time to time, touch the nodules, this you activate their energy.

Attracting luck with magic

To attract good luck, you can hold a ritual with seven candles, it is also called "Lure luck". For him you will need 7 orange candles. The ritual is held on the full moon at midnight. Put the candles in a circle, light them and concentrate on the flame. Continuing to look at it, say your message to the universe. It should be specific and not necessarily carry negative information. The ritual ends when all the candles completely burn out. This rite can attract good luck to your life. After that, your main task will not be to miss it.

The basic rules how to draw luck in love:

In this case, there is an opportunity to help yourself with a small rite. Take him to the new moon, better in the morning. For the ritual, you will need a red envelope, 27 sheets of red or pink paper and a new pen bought. On the front side of the envelope, make the inscription "Amplifier of Love", and on the back put a signature. Every day on a separate sheet write a declaration of love, to which you are only capable. After that, put the sheet in an envelope and, if possible, reread what was written. After 27 days, re-read all confessions and burn them with the envelope.

How to attract good luck in business?

To attract positive things in your life, internal sensations are of great importance. A person should consider himself worthy of success, wealth and love. To help yourself in this difficult matter, you can perform a ritual . For him, take a plate, pour a pinch of salt, on top of sugar and cereals. In the hill, insert an open pin and leave it overnight. In the morning, pin the pin to the clothes and say the following words: "From heaven you, the sun, light and earth give warmth. Well, you give me luck to succeed my business. Life is you, the sun, the source, and the bright light of the stream. Well, and I give you success, that it will be more successful to become all! "

In addition, great importance in attracting good luck has a home environment. The teaching of Feng Shui has devoted more than one study to this topic. Luck is present in the lives of those whose energy can move freely and quickly in space. This means that in your house should not be unnecessary things and trash.