How to raise self-esteem?

Where does the notion of " underestimated self-esteem " come from? Of course, from childhood. Often it is the parents who underestimate the self-esteem of the child, too much care for him in childhood, stipulating this with care. However, in the future, the environment of a person exerts no small influence on the level of self-esteem.

But it happens that adult adults have problems with self-esteem and it drops to zero, for example, as a result of stressful situations. It is important to note that the most susceptible to such personality changes with the temperament of a choleric or melancholic.

The question arises: "How do you raise the self-esteem?" It's not very pleasant to wake up every day in a sad state and without believing in yourself. Self-esteem can be increased independently when it has not yet acquired the form of depression . In the latter case, it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist.

How quickly to raise self-esteem? Just do not concentrate on your goal. Success will only lead to self-confidence and regular exercise of the necessary exercises, which will be discussed below.

How to raise a self-esteem for a teenager?

The adolescent period is a turning point in the life of a growing personality. And self-esteem at this age is the child's most vulnerable place. If its level tends to zero, it can lead to complexes, which can worsen a person's life even in adulthood. How can parents help their child in such a difficult period for him?

  1. Parents of adolescents need to monitor his appearance. Listen to what your child wants. Let him choose his own clothes for his wardrobe. And only slightly control its actions.
  2. Praise the teenager. Do not look for disadvantages in it - pay attention only to dignity. Help him achieve something in his life.
  3. Many do not realize that it is possible to increase self-esteem by learning to say "no." If a teenager can not refuse anything to anyone, after a while he will feel dependent on others and follower. So try to teach him to deny people at the right time.
  4. Respect it. You do not need to treat him like a child. Sometimes talk, but behave like an adult.

How to raise a self-esteem for a man?

Men are not less likely to encounter problems with us. Of course, they always try to be on top and rarely share with anyone their experiences and fears . However, such a concept as "underestimated self-esteem" is not alien to them. If you are sure that your chosen one has encountered this problem and you want to understand how to raise a self-esteem to a guy and help him that way, then you should follow the following rules:

  1. About the beloved should be taken care of. Five years to him or 50 does not matter. They always need women's caress and care.
  2. How to raise self-esteem to her husband? Always meet him with special tenderness and a smile on his face, no matter how tired he is and no matter how outraged by a hard working day.
  3. Do not constantly demand from men. They do not like it. After a while they get the impression that they are being used for mercenary purposes.
  4. It is necessary to understand that men are as vulnerable as women, and therefore it is important to pay attention to every phrase addressed to a representative of the stronger sex.
  5. Rejoice in his every achievement with him.
  6. Never compare it to other men.

How to raise a self-esteem for a girl?

To raise the self-esteem of a girl, it is enough just to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Queens are not born, but become years later. It is important to remind yourself that "I am worthy of much."
  2. We must part with fears and doubts, forgetting about the complexes.
  3. It is necessary to help achieve the goal or suggest ways to achieve it.
  4. Keep a diary of success, often reminding yourself of your achievements and small victories.
  5. Keep track of your thoughts. Down with negative attitudes like those that we ourselves impose: "I am unworthy of this", etc.
  6. Smile more often. The smile has a relaxing and soothing effect.

How to raise a self-esteem for a child?

  1. Praise your child right. Please note that there is no praise: good nature, beauty, health, clothes, toys and an occasional find.
  2. Ask him somehow for his help or advice, but not as a small person, but as an adult personality.
  3. Encourage initiative in it.
  4. Together with the baby, analyze his mistakes and failures.

The main thing to remember is that self-esteem can be raised only when there is a belief that it is quite feasible.