Pride and pride

Among all the deadly sins, many preachers consider the main pride. Many will say, what kind of sin is this, a man without pride anyway, that kissel. This is really so, so it is worth remembering the difference that exists between pride and pride. It is, although it is incredibly difficult to find a fine line separating pride and pride. But it can be discovered, moreover, it is necessary to do this, otherwise how to get rid of pride?

How is pride different from pride?

In modern society, pride and pride are often confused, and the most amusing is that pride is considered a vice, and the concept of pride is replaced by beautiful words with ambition and self-esteem. So what is pride really like and how does it differ from pride?

Let's start, perhaps, with pride. Hardly anyone will argue that this feeling is necessary for any person. Without awareness of self-esteem, there is no personality, such a person is like a balloon, which any breeze can play, and anyone can pierce it. You will say, but what if a person chooses the path of humility, why should he have pride? He needs this feeling more than everyone else, because only self-awareness allows him to rise above all the turmoil and reconcile with them. The concept of pride is multifaceted, a person can be proud not only of his successes, but also of other people's achievements, position in the world of his country.

What is pride, what are its signs, why is it so often confused with pride? Probably, because this feeling comes from pride, is its bloated ugly child. Self-esteem becomes an extreme degree of selfishness and narcissism. The person, who was overcome by pride, does not care about the feelings and thoughts of other people, he is able to "go head over" to his goal. Here pride and humility are incompatible - to accept, it means to become like everyone else, miserable and useless people. No, pride will not allow this, she does not care about the pain of other people, the main thing is that the priceless ego, the bearer of vice, be preserved. Of course, all these signs are already the last stage, it will be as difficult to cope with pride as it is with any bad character that developed into vice.

How to deal with pride and defeat it?

Spiritual persons do not in vain call pride the main of human vices, it is trying to satisfy pride, people commit terrible things. So how to get rid of this vice, how to overcome pride?

  1. Most often, pride develops in people who have not received parental love in childhood. They are very insecure in their abilities and cover up this feeling by deliberately exalting themselves above others. Pride in this case is a protective mechanism that harbors a vulnerable person from ridicule. How to overcome pride in this case? You need to understand that everyone is wrong and give yourself that right. Stop being afraid of how you look in the eyes of other people. Love yourself and believe that others can love you if you give them that opportunity. A person who is sealed in a cage of pride, it is sincerely impossible to love. Before such people, especially those with power, you can grovel, they can flatter and fake a smile, mentally wanting all sorts of misfortune on the head of the proud.
  2. Learn to respect other people, admit that there are very talented people. And even if you are brilliant in one area, remember that there may be a man more talented and successful than you. Therefore, time should be spent not on self-admiration, but on self-development, so that you can always say that you are one of the best specialists in your field.
  3. How long have you been able to hear another person? We all know how to ignore other people's emotions, attitude to the problem, highlighting only naked facts. This skill is valuable, and in some professions without it, and do not do, the main thing is not to forget how to empathize with others. If you are able to understand the interlocutor, put yourself in his place, then pride in your heart will not remain.
  4. We often live by the will of society, subject to stereotypes. But they are not suitable for everyone, do not be afraid to break this framework, try not to wriggle the snake in the narrow corridors of other people's views on life, but to discover the endless horizon. Remember that individuality is not the result of pride, it's all about how you will emphasize it.
  5. Beware of the struggle with pride to lose pride - without it anywhere. Therefore, be careful and do not engage in self-abasement, because it leads to another mortal sin - despondency.