Secular humanism is a worldview opposed to the religious

Mankind has always worried about issues of faith and morality and secular humanism is the current in which people appear as the highest creations of nature. From the actions and thoughts of a person depends not only his own life, but also the moral and physical condition of the surrounding people.

Secular humanism - what is it?

The basic principles of the worldview are formed in society, based on the experience of previous generations and the needs of modern man. Secular humanism is one of the directions of the philosophy of humanism, which proclaims the value of a person and his ideas. A person is responsible:

  1. For the ethical consequences of their decisions and actions.
  2. For his own contribution to the development of modern society.
  3. For creative achievements and discoveries, committed for the benefit of mankind.

Secular humanism - worldview

Secular humanism does not oppose the dogmas of religious teachings, but it does not recognize the higher power that governs a person's life. He builds his own destiny himself, relying on moral and moral principles. Religion and secular humanism develop in parallel and echo only in the issue of the formation of ethical values. Secular humanism suggests following the following principles:

  1. The possibility of free research (unhindered receipt of information).
  2. The state and the church exist separately (with a different development of events, the principle of free research will be violated).
  3. The formation of the ideal of freedom (the absence of total control, the right to vote has all segments of society).
  4. Ethics of critical thinking (following moral and ethical norms, formed without religious revelations).
  5. Moral education (children are brought up on the principles of philanthropy, when they reach adulthood, they decide how to relate to religion).
  6. Religious skepticism (critical attitude to the fact that the higher power can make human destinies).
  7. Reason (a person relies on real experience and rational thinking).
  8. Science and technology (discoveries in these areas allow society to move to the highest levels of development).
  9. Evolution (the real facts of the existence of the evolution of species confirm the inconsistency of the idea of ​​man's creation according to the divine image).
  10. Education (access to education and training).

Secular humanism and atheism - the difference

The difference between these concepts is obvious. Secular humanism and atheism develop in similar directions, but the ways to achieve them differ. Atheism categorically rejects the existence of a higher power and its influence on the fate of man . Secular humanism does not hinder the development of religious teachings, but does not welcome them.

Secular and religious humanism

Explicit contradictions between these areas of philosophy do not prevent them from having similar principles. For example, the notion of secular humanism is based on a kind attitude toward a person, a feeling of love , compassion, mercy. The same postulates people find in the Bible. Adherents of a certain religious current have an illusory perception of life. This is self-deception, and its consequences plunge a person into a state of uncertainty and spiritual stagnation.

Secular humanism - books

A large number of skeptics, pantheists, rationalists, agnostics of past centuries used a rational approach to solving the human dilemma: what is fundamental - science or religion and what does it mean - secular humanism? The works of famous scientists and writers excite the minds of contemporaries and give exhaustive answers in questions of relations between people, conception and birth of children, euthanasia. Secular humanism is atheism, which does not prohibit believing in higher intelligence, but does not welcome devotion to religious teachings. It:

  1. "Phenomenology of the Spirit" (written by Hegel).
  2. "The source of pure reason" (written by Kant).
  3. "Science of knowledge" (written by Fichte), etc.