How to open the third eye yourself?

The third eye represents the physical body of man completely, including supernatural abilities: dreams, telepathy, intuition , clairvoyance and telekinesis. From this article you can learn how to open the third eye yourself.

To begin with, we propose to deal with the question of why it is not possible to open the third eye. Perhaps not everything is in order with the physical body, so it's worth to put in order not only your health, but also your state of mind. It is important to be able to remove all the blockages of your inner self. It is possible that the inner ego of a person is not ready for the discovery of supernatural abilities. And of course, constant training and self-development are necessary.

Of course, it is quite possible to open a third eye for a person, provided his desire and efforts are applied. Continuous practice, analysis of the information received, patience and daily work will bring success.

Exercises to open the third eye

  1. Take a comfortable position, it is best to sit, while keeping your back straight. Breathing should be calm and deep.
  2. Close your eyes. Focus on the area between the eyebrows. You need to mentally focus your eyes on this place.
  3. Next, you need to imagine in this area a rotating vortex, a ball of bright blue or a blossoming lotus flower. The direction is chosen intuitively.
  4. Now take a deep, slow breath. Imagine that in this area between the eyebrows, in a ball or flower, a bright blue energy begins to flow.
  5. Slow exhalation. Energy fills the ball space and accumulates in it.

This exercise should be repeated for 20 minutes daily. It is likely that after the end of the session between the eyebrows there will be unpleasant sensations - this is normal. It means that everything was done correctly.

Meditation on the third eye

To perform meditation aimed at discovering third eye, you need to completely relax. Initially, it is important to take a comfortable and comfortable position of the body. No one and nothing should distract you at this time. Disconnect the mobile phone. Close your eyes. Relax the body and mind, release emotions . It is necessary to plunge into a state of tranquility and tranquility. Breathing should be even. Focus on the area between the eyebrows, very soon in this place will appear a luminous point, which will gradually disperse into the sides. This light should fill the body from the inside, the warm radiance will warm. At this time it is very important to open your mind, the reality will change. Try to feel the light, love and inner beauty. In such moments, you can feel like a part of the universe and get rid of fear, doubt and problems. It is this feeling that will make it clear that the third eye has opened.