How to develop wit?

Every day we hear in common speech that someone does not shine with wit, and someone has this talent in abundance. Understanding the question - what does it mean to wit, you need to pay attention to the fact that this is an innate quality that is honed throughout life. Wit is the ability of a person to express his thoughts in an unusual bright way, which is characteristic of a smaller share of society.

With witty people it is always pleasant to communicate, they quickly become the soul of the company, it seems to attract those around them. Therefore, young people often wonder how to learn wit to stand out from the crowd of friends, but the makings of this talent need to be in the genetic code. To develop the talent of "sharp language" will help constant communication with wise people who will be able to tell a lot of instructive.

How to develop wit?

Your reading will help to show wit in your speech, the more you read books with cheerful "sharp" statements, the more your stock of "sharp little words" expands. Choose popular literature written in the comic genre, read the collections of aphorisms and quotes of famous people - Faina Ranevskaya, philosopher of the 11th century Omar Khayam, etc.

Having learned the winged phrases and having read witty jokes, learn how to apply them in time in conversation. Inserted inappropriately, even the sharpest and smartest jokes, obviously will not add to you points of universal recognition, rather, on the contrary - they will lower the rating among friends. Understand in one of your speeches, unexpectedly, to put an end to the utterance in such a way that he continued the narrative, but radically changed its meaning. For example, the phrase Mark Twain: "Quitting smoking is easy. I threw fifty times. " That is, the end of the phrase not only continues the thought, but also makes a double meaning to it.

Creativity and wit in speech is well manifested in short "stunning" phrases. No one will be interested in listening to a long, monotonous speech, but the playfully inserted playlist will be a manifestation of your wit.