Sweet pie on kefir

Baking on kefir has always been famous for its extraordinary pomp and excellent taste. Sweet pies are especially good on its basis. About them, we'll talk today and offer a few simple and affordable recipes, which certainly will suit you to taste.

Fast sweet pie on kefir with jam - recipe

This recipe is suitable for those who have stocks of unclaimed jam in the pantry. Here it will perfectly prove itself, adding to the taste of sweet pie. The dough for such baking is prepared in three counts, which will be more appreciated by the hostesses, who feel a constant lack of free time.



We start the preparation of the dough with the quenching of soda. First, do this in a tablespoon using vinegar, and then spread it into kefir and give it another time for additional acid damping of this dairy product. Then add the jam, whipped egg sugar and sprinkle the sifted flour. If the jam taken for the pie is thick, then there will be enough two glasses. With liquid consistency, we add half a glass. It remains now only to stir the dough to homogeneity, put it in an oily form for baking and bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. This takes an average of forty-five minutes.

After checking the preparedness of the dessert with the wooden bead and making sure that it is perfectly baked, we take it out of the oven and out of the mold, we rub it with sugar powder and after the cooling we serve it for tea.

If desired, this pie can be turned into an original cake, cutting into two or three longitudinal parts and saturated with any cream to your taste.

Sweet jelly pie with kefir and fruit



The process of making dough for a sweet pie on kefir begins with the usual whipping of eggs with sugar. It is more convenient to do this with a mixer, seeking to lighten the masses and gaining airiness and splendor. Next, add to it a kefir, melt for a while, at room temperature, melted and cooled down oil, throw a pinch of salt, vanilla and sprinkle the sifted flour and baking powder. Stir the mass carefully with a spoon or a whisk until all the flour balls have disappeared and proceed to baking the cake.

To do this, pour a little cooked dough on the bottom of the pre-oiled form, lay out pre-prepared slices of peeled apples, pears or cherries without pits and pour the remaining dough. If desired, you can use the fruit assortment by adding several kinds of fruits and berries to the cake at the same time. For baking such a pouring pie, we need about an hour, and the temperature regime of the oven should be at the level of 170-175 degrees.

On readiness we let the pie cool, remove it from the mold and decorate it with sugar powder.

Chocolate-coffee pie on kefir - recipe



To beaten eggs with sugar, add kefir, vegetable oil, pour cocoa powder, baking powder, vanilla and wheat flour and stir all the good. At the end of the batch add the chocolate broken into small pieces. Pour the resulting dough into an oily form for baking, if desired, we pour into it half of the kernels of walnuts and have in the oven for thirty-five minutes. The temperature mode is set at 180 degrees. On readiness we let the pie cool down, and pour chocolate glaze, prepared by melting black chocolate and mixing it with cream.