Glaucoma - symptoms and treatment

Glaucoma is an eye disease that has certain symptoms and is difficult to treat. With the course of the disease, this is a chronic, progressive and leading to blindness with unsuccessful measures in time. More often glaucoma is observed in the elderly, although there are cases of glaucoma in young people and even in infants (congenital form).

The causes of the development of the first symptoms of glaucoma

The reason is an increase in intraocular pressure, due to a violation of the intraocular fluid. The wrong ratio of inflow and outflow of this liquid and leads to increased pressure. Other reasons include poor blood circulation and hypoxia in the eye tissues. This applies to primary glaucoma. There is also a secondary form that develops as a result of inflammatory eye diseases, cataracts, atrophy of the iris, various injuries, operations and tumors of the eyeball.

Doctors identify certain diseases and conditions that are factors that increase the risk of developing glaucoma:

Forms and symptoms of glaucoma of the eye

There are two forms of glaucoma:

  1. Open-angle glaucoma is more common and is characterized by an open iris-corneal angle. Symptoms of open-angle glaucoma are most often erased, especially in the initial stage and are detected already in a neglected state. For example, a person suddenly notices that he does not see anything with one eye. That is why the main method of preventing glaucoma after 40 years is a regular examination with an ophthalmologist with mandatory measurement of intraocular pressure at least every six months.
  2. Closed-angle glaucoma is characterized by acute paroxysmal symptoms. The attack of acute glaucoma occurs sharply, due to a sudden increase in intraocular pressure and is characterized by the following symptoms:

Symptoms of an acute attack of glaucoma testify to the need for first aid. It consists in instilling special drugs to reduce intraocular pressure every hour. The drug is prescribed by a doctor, so be sure to come to the reception or call an ambulance, because you can call this state urgent. If the pressure is not reduced in time - full loss of vision after an attack is possible. In addition to drops prescribed diuretics, hot foot baths and soothing.

Gradually, during acute attacks, spikes form in the eye. And the disease goes into a chronic stage, when the pressure inside the eye is increased constantly.

Treatment of glaucoma

Treatment of the disease can be conservative and surgical. Conservatively means taking medications that reduce pressure in the eyes and protect the optic nerve from further damage.

Laser and other methods of microsurgery are used in the absence of the effect of conservative treatment. Nowadays such operations are performed quickly and painlessly, have a short rehabilitation period and do not have serious complications. In some cases, the operation must be repeated.

In the absence of adequate treatment, absolute glaucoma can develop, which is characterized by complete blindness and severe pain in the eye area.