Phlebitis of the lower extremities - symptoms and treatment

Phlebitis of the lower limbs is an inflammation of the venous wall of the vessels. This disease most often develops with varicose veins . It can be acute or chronic. Each of the forms of phlebitis of the lower extremities has its symptoms, and having noticed them, it is necessary to begin treatment, as this disease gradually destroys the veins.

Symptoms of phlebitis of lower extremities

Acute phlebitis develops suddenly. Local manifestations of the disease are intense, while overall health in most cases remains satisfactory. The signs of acute phlebitis of the lower extremities are:

If the enlarged veins are involved in the pathological process, the large and small varicose nodules become dense and can grow significantly in size. Common manifestations of this disease are fever, malaise and chills.

Chronic phlebitis is characterized by a more flattened clinical picture. The disease lasts for a long time, but it periodically exacerbates. With an exacerbation, as a rule, all of the above symptoms occur, and hyperthermia is observed in the area of ​​the affected vein. Sometimes with chronic phlebitis there is a small swelling of the lower limb.

Treatment of phlebitis of lower extremities

Treatment of acute and chronic phlebitis of the lower extremities is most often performed on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is required only in neglected cases. To eliminate pain and relieve inflammation, the patient must take:

Phlebitis also shows medicines that restore the trophism of the venous walls. It:

Local treatment is carried out with the help of drugs such as Heparin and Troxevasin. In chronic inflammation, drugs that enhance blood microcirculation, such as Latren, are prescribed.

Treatment of phlebitis of the lower extremities can be carried out using folk remedies. In a short period of time, you can get rid of an alcohol compress.

Compress Recipe


Preparation and use

Take the cotton wool and moisten it with alcohol. Top with Vaseline. The cotton should be applied to the sore spot and fixed with gauze.

With the phlebitis of the lower extremities, one can also make a compress from the decoction of the fruits of horse chestnut, calendula flowers and willow bark, but it should only be cold.