Gastroenteritis in dogs

Animals, like people, are susceptible to various diseases. In some cases, in order to save the life of your ward, it is important to consult a doctor in time. Sometimes even superficial knowledge of the course of certain diseases helps us to make a diagnosis and provide the first-degree friend with the first medical aid.

Manifestations of gastroenteritis in dogs

The most dangerous gastroenteritis of a viral nature, which causes acute disease in dogs, for example, parvoviral enteritis . The disease is transmitted through sick animals, their habitats, as well as infected food and water. The short incubation period practically does not give us time for reflection. The pups from unvaccinated mothers suffer the most.

Symptoms of parvovirus gastroenteritis in dogs depend on the localization of the pathogen and influence the methods of treatment. Veterinarians secrete a cardiac, intestinal and mixed form of lesion. If the cardiac form is characterized by all signs of cardiovascular failure, the intestinal is characterized by fever, diarrhea, vomiting , refusal of water and food, changes in blood counts.

Since the external manifestations of non-infectious, infectious and viral gastroenteritis in dogs may be similar, pay attention to the epidemic situation, the clinical picture and laboratory indicators, which are the main ones in diagnostics.

Treatment of gastroenteritis

Dogs are shown sparing diet therapy, which includes fractional feeding with the introduction of easily digestible natural foods. The treatment is based on the vaccination of animals, the appointment of antibiotics, vitamins and drugs that contribute to the restoration of the water-salt balance. Apply means that remove the symptoms of the disease and promote the removal of harmful substances from the body. Since the infection is capable of destroying the puppy within 24 hours, it is recommended that when the first symptoms appear, go to the clinic.