The dog was bitten by a snake - what to do?

All the owners of dogs like to take their pets to nature. Still, it's a real holiday for an animal - in the forest or on the lawn you can run, play and frolic. But often dogs are attacked by ticks , fleas and snakes.

The snake's bite is always very dangerous. Vipers (the most common snakes in our latitudes) and other reptiles rarely attack first, they usually sting, defending themselves. A dog can, while playing, hunt a snake or accidentally step on its tail, and then a bite is possible. The risk of complications and even the death of a dog depends on the place of bite and the size of the dog: usually large breeds survive the attack of snakes more easily than small ones. In severe cases, the consequences of the fact that the dog was bitten by a snake can be the saddest.

The dog was bitten by a snake - symptoms

To notice that your pet was bitten by a snake, it is possible by the following characteristic signs:

The dog was bitten by a snake - first aid

The above symptoms develop rapidly and increase, so the animal needs to be helped as soon as possible. Every dog ​​owner needs to know what to do if his pet was bitten by a snake. So, your actions should be:

  1. First of all, you need to fix the animal and do not let it move. Take the animal in your arms to the car or to the house where you lay on your side, covering it with a warm blanket.
  2. In case you saw the moment of bite, then within the first 10-15 minutes after that, you should try to squeeze out as much of the blood as possible from the wound, infected with poison. The place of bite is most often the neck, paws, the tip of the nose or the head of the animal.
  3. You can treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, but do not let alcoholic liquids enter it, which will contribute to the rapid spread of the poison.
  4. Reducing the blood flow and anesthetize the place of bite will help the application of ice.
  5. At home, you can inject an animal with an antihistamine. As soon as possible, take the animal to the veterinarian, who will provide your dog with the necessary help.