Breed of cats of the Sphinx

Bald cats of the Sphynx breed are extremely friendly and affectionate. These creatures are very fond of hugs and constantly strive to cuddle up to their master. To all, these cats are very fond of being in the limelight, because they can rub on the cheek of an unfamiliar guest. They are not at all aggressive, and their skin, devoid of wool, feels very pleasant to the touch. How many live cats are Sphinxes? The term of their life does not depend on the breed, with proper care they, like all cats, can live up to 18 years.

How to care for a cat of the Sphynx breed?

Cats of the Sphynx breed do not need a special exclusive care, as it may seem at first glance. The absence of wool significantly saves time and effort, because you can avoid constant combing, and the apartment does not need to periodically collect wool coats.

  1. Leather. The absence of wool assumes constant and careful care of the skin of the animal. The main feature of the cat's skin is that it constantly sweats. As a result, your pet looks dirty. The allocated sweat, among other things, can leave spots on light tissues. This should be taken into account when buying clothes for cats-sphinxes. The skin should be constantly wiped with a damp sponge. Bathing is allowed no more than once a week. The temperature of the bath water for a comfortable bath is 36-39 ° C, the water should be so much that it only reaches the cat's chest. To bathe a cat it is possible children's shampoo of worthy quality. Before you leave home during the cold period, you must wear clothes for cats-sphinxes, otherwise you risk catching a cold.
  2. Eyes. Cats of the Sphynx breed do not have eyelashes, therefore they appear constantly in the eyes of pollution. If the discharge is brown or transparent, there is no reason for excitement. Wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or infusion of chamomile.
  3. Ears. Ears in cats of this breed are large enough and get dirty very quickly. Ears should be cleaned to animals as they become contaminated, 1-2 times a week. Use cotton swabs, but do not put them very deeply, otherwise you risk injuring your inner ear and earning otitis.
  4. Teeth. If you find a plaque on the teeth of a cat, it can be cleaned with a soft toothbrush. As a rule, the smell from the mouth of the animal is unpleasant, the gum is pale pink. To clean the teeth, you can use special purchased feeds or boil the cat a few chicken necks.
  5. The tail of the cat on the outside has sebaceous glands. In sphinxes, these glands are not covered with hair, therefore the tail should be periodically wiped with a degreasing agent.
  6. Sphynx cat: food. Cats of this breed have a good appetite and eat almost everything. Since the skin is not covered with hair and the body temperature is slightly increased, the metabolism is slightly accelerated. The food should be balanced. If you decide to feed the cat with purchased food, it should be the highest quality food. In food, these pets can give preference to completely unexpected products: cucumbers, grapes, even sweets. All this can be given to the pet, but in a moderate amount to avoid rashes.
  7. If you notice that your cat has started constantly meowing and very strongly to get on, most likely, the estrus has begun . Biting of cats of sphinxes is possible, if to it the year was executed.

Names for cats-sphinxes

The choice of names for cats-sphinxes is a very creative process. Calling such a beautiful Marusia or Corkscrew simply does not turn the tongue. How then can you call a cat-sphinx? Many choose among the names of Egyptian gods. This is the most interesting way, but traditional methods are quite acceptable. Study the behavior of the cat and its nature, it can prompt the choice of the name.