Zephyranthes - home care

Upstart - this name was given to the plant zefirantes, care at home for which is elementary. Still sometimes it is called a lily of fairies or a flower of rain. In fact, zephyranthes are a representative of the family of Amaryllis, numbering seventy species. A perennial herbaceous plant has a small bulb, belt-like or linear leaves of dark green color and crocus-like flowers of white, reddish, yellow, pink color. There are also two-color. One flower of zephyranthes blossoms almost a week. To extend the flowering can be planted in a pot of several bulbs - the bush will be thicker, and the flower stalks will appear larger. The plant indoors blooms regardless of the season. If your zefirantes does not bloom for long, do not water it for a while, so that it will feel the drought. After the first watering, he will "wake up" and throw out the arrows.


And now about how to take care of zefirantesom, so that the plant will please you more often with flowering. This plant prefers diffuse light, so the eastern, south-western and western window sills are the best place for a pot. In summer, it can be planted in the open ground if necessary, or take out a pot on the balcony. If the plant is in a phase of active growth, then in the room the temperature range should be maintained within 18-25 degrees. And in the period of rest, the serenity of the zefirantes is better kept in a cooler place (10-12 degrees).

Similarly, you should do with watering. With active growth, it should be regular. Moisten the soil when drying the top layer. However, there should not be any stagnation in water. Watering during rest should be shortened, and some species at present do not need it at all.

When the rest period is completed, the zepharante needs a transplant to a new pot. Before planting zefirantes, prepare a shallow wide pot, at the bottom of which arrange drainage. Substrate choose a loose, sand-structured, nutritious (a mixture of sand, quality humus and nutritious sod land). At the same time leave the bulb on the surface. As fertilizer use fertilizers not more than once in 12-15 days. If the landing is correct, and the care is regular and adequate, the zefirantes will thank you not with one flower arrow.


In zephyrantheses reproduction can be carried out by seeds and bulbs. If you stopped on the seeds, then before in four or five years do not ask why the zepharante does not bloom. To all the seeds must be very high quality and freshly picked, as their germination deteriorates with each passing hour.

It is much easier to multiply the plant with daughter bulbs, which in the pot are formed in abundance. They are easily separated from the uterine bulb. If all of you have done it correctly, then in a year the plant will blossom.


Even such an unpretentious plant as zephyranthes can affect various diseases and dangerous pests. The most common pest is amaryllis chervets. When he gets to the plant, the leaves turn yellow at the zephyranthes. After that, they fall off, and the plant itself ceases to grow. If zefirantes is infected with a scab , then on the leaves you will notice brown plaques, and the flowers and leaves will begin to dry out. If the air is too dry, a spider mite may start. With his glutinous web, he wraps all the parts of the zephirantes. With the help of systemic insecticides in the early stages, all these diseases are cured.

Another problem that arises with the maintenance of zepharantes is the decay of the bulb. The solution of this problem is completely in the hands of the person - stop pouring the plant with water, which provokes the formation of various rot.