Milk thistle throat

There are means that are simply created for a modern person suffering from poor ecology, a sedentary lifestyle and an overabundance in the diet of refined products. The schrot of milk thistle refers to such preparations! In addition, it is a great opportunity to improve the body as a whole and to strengthen immunity.

Than the milk thistle is useful?

Schroth is a seed thistle seed that has been pressed. As a result, two useful products were formed:

The use of the milk thistle shoe allows the normal functioning of the digestive organs in a short time. It is in this sphere that it is used most often. Here are the main advantages of treating the seed meal with a seed meal:

  1. Due to the large amount of fiber and dietary fiber, the walls of the intestines are cleaned of stool, slag and putrefactive masses, which allows normalizing metabolism.
  2. Renewed motor functions of the intestine bring the entire digestive system back to normal - the absorption of nutrients significantly improves.
  3. Increases appetite.
  4. The metabolism is accelerated .
  5. Immunity and resistance to viral infections are strengthened.

Also, we should not forget that in the composition of the seeds of milk thistle there is a unique hepatoprotective substance, silymarin. It not only restores liver cells, but also stimulates the regeneration of all internal organs, contributes to the enrichment of the body with oxygen. There is silymarin and in the thistle thistle, but because it can be used when:

How to take milk thistle?

Before you start treatment, you need to find out exactly how to drink milk thistle in your case. There are no contraindications, and what effect can be expected.


  1. Schrot of milk thistle with cough should be brewed with steep boiling water, insist for 5 minutes, add honey and take it every three to four hours. Proportions: 0,5 h spoons of powder, 0,5 glasses of water, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.
  2. With constipation and problems with the intestine, the remedy is used in a larger volume. It should be taken three times a day for 1 tsp spoon, washed down with water, kefir, or juice.
  3. The liver, gallbladder and kidneys are treated according to the same scheme.
  4. In order to strengthen immunity and general health, it is shown to take 1 teaspoon of the product at any time of the day once.

A prerequisite - to conduct treatment should be on an empty stomach and not eat for half an hour after taking the meal. It should also be drunk with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Contraindications for the use of thistle thistle

This product has almost no contraindications, the use of milk thistle is shown to everyone who knows how to properly accept. Restrictions apply only to people with:

In this case, foreign bodies can not physically leave the body without surgical intervention, and the meal can provoke their movement.

Also, use caution during pregnancy and to treat children. In this case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

The main contraindication to the use of milk thistle and spotty is individual intolerance.