How to grow thuju from seeds?

Tuya is a winter hardy coniferous tree that can perfectly decorate any garden plot at any time of the year. One of the main advantages of thuya is the possibility of forming a tree of any shape, as well as the ability to heal the surrounding air. Due to its decorative qualities and unpretentious care, this plant is highly valued among landscape designers and amateur gardeners.

Often, inexperienced gardeners are wondering the cultivation of thuya. One of the rather simple ways of reproduction is growing thai from seeds. This method of reproduction guarantees almost 100% of the result, but patience is needed, because the tuya seedlings give a very slow increase and for the first year you can only see the tree no more than 7 cm.

How to grow thuju from seeds?

Seeds for reproduction of thuja are obtained from cones collected in late autumn from adult trees. In order for the cones to dry out and they can be easily extracted seeds, they are laid out in a dry and cool place at a temperature of no more than +7 degrees. It is very important to adhere to the necessary temperature regime, because otherwise seeds can lose their germination. After the bumps open, the seeds are carefully removed over the paper, wrapped in cotton cloth and sent to the refrigerator, where they are stored until the first snow falls.

At the next stage of cultivation it is necessary to carry out stratification of seeds of thuja. To do this, seeds wrapped in fabric, it is necessary to bury in the soil, cover with a small layer of dry leaves and top with snow. In the spring, when the snow begins to melt, and there is still no chance to plant, dig up the wrapped seeds and place them in the refrigerator, covering them slightly with moist sand. As soon as the weather permits, seed thujas are planted in open ground.

How to plant thuja seeds?

In spring, around April, in the garden, you need to make small beds for planting thuja seeds. Sow the seeds should be superficially to a depth of 5 mm, while respecting the distance of 10 cm between plantings. On top of the seedlings sprinkle a thin layer of earth and regularly watered. Already after about a month, the first shoots should appear, which must be protected from direct sunlight. In the first year, the seedlings will grow about 7 cm, the second - about 15 cm, the third - up to 40 cm. Then they can be weeded out and the weakest ones can be removed. And only in the fifth year can the tuja seedlings be planted in a permanent place, where they will please you for many years.