Neurodermatitis - causes

Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease of a neurogenic and allergic nature, manifested by an itchy papular rash with skin lichenization in lesions.

The causes of neurodermatitis in adults

There are many causes of this disease, which can be considered risk factors, it is not established why some people lead to the development of neurodermatitis, while others do not. We list the main of them:

Psychological causes of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is referred to as psychosomatic, i.e. its occurrence is also associated with psychological causes. It has been established that negative emotions and stressful situations play a certain role in the development of neurodermatitis. Characteristic psychological features of patients with neurodermatitis are:

Treatment of neurodermatitis

Having discovered the true cause of neurodermatitis, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Treatment is done out-patient, and in case of acute exacerbation - in a hospital. The main therapeutic methods include:

  1. Compliance with the regime of the day with a full night's sleep, rest, exercise and regular meals.
  2. Eliminate fatigue and stress .
  3. Compliance with diet (usually milk and vegetable with restriction of salt, spices, confectionery, citrus, coffee).
  4. Use of antihistamines.
  5. The use of drugs to normalize the central nervous system.
  6. Vitaminotherapy.
  7. Physiotherapeutic procedures
  8. Hormonotherapy (in severe cases).
  9. Topical application of antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agents.

In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, especially with limited neurodermatitis with established causes.