Bifiform baby

The baby has already been born, and its organs and systems are still actively developing. If the mental development of the child brings the parents joy and pride, the maturation of the digestive system sometimes adds to the hassle. In the newborn's gastrointestinal tract there are not enough so-called good bacteria that help digest and assimilate food. Often the child is tortured by colic, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. The child does not sleep well and sleeps, often cries, he has problems with a stool.

A similar situation can arise after taking a course of antibiotics, because it is known that in addition to pathogenic, they destroy the normal flora of the intestine, which ensures its full-fledged work. In this case, the child's body needs support from the outside. The drug bifiform for newborns can not be better.

Helper for the stomach

The main indications for the use of bifiform - dysbacteriosis of any origin (colitis, gastroenteritis, the effects of antibiotic and sulfonamide treatment). Bifiform is also prescribed for the prevention of intestinal disorders, chronic diseases of the digestive system, lactose intolerance, dyspepsia, flatulence and to support the immunity of the child.

For convenience bifiform baby is released in the form of chewable tablets, suspension, powder and drops. Mom can choose the most suitable form of the drug, focusing on the age of the child. So, the tablets are prescribed for children who are two years old. Before you give bifiform, you need to make sure that the child can take pills. If there is doubt, it is better to grind the tablet and mix it with food. The recommended dosage of bifiform is two tablets per day. It is worth noting that the chewing tablets bifiform kid with the taste of orange children priayayut very willingly. For children aged one year, it is more convenient to take bifiform baby powder in sachets. In this case, the method of using bifiform remains the same: dissolves the contents of the sachet in a bottle with a mixture or expressed milk, give the baby twice a day one sachet.

From the first days of life, you can use bifiform for babies in the form of a suspension. To normalize the digestive system, one bottle per day is sufficient for ten to twenty days. There are no difficulties with how to rear the bifiform kid before giving it to a newborn. It is enough to screw the lid of the bottle slightly and its contents will be in oil. Then you should shake the bottle a little and the drug is ready for use. Strict rules on how to take bifiform baby, no, so you can give it before, and during, and after eating. Although cases of bifiform overdose have not been documented, do not exceed the dosage indicated in the annotation to the drug. Another kind of this dietary supplement is drops of bifiform baby, which can also be appointed from the first day of life. Drops are excellent for children who refuse to swallow tablets, capsules. It is enough to drip the child in the mouth with the required number of drops, and a small nehochuha himself will reflexively swallow them.

Structure of the preparation

Bifiform baby does not belong to medicinal products. It is a biologically active additive that is added to food. It contains a combination of beneficial vitamins and bacteria for the body. Bifiform is designed taking into account the needs of the child's body. Of the contraindications can be noted only individual intolerance of the elements of the drug, which is extremely rare. It can be taken during pregnancy, and during lactation.