The use of fasting for weight loss and health improvement

Refusal of food is practiced by many monks, followers of various religious movements and ordinary citizens. At the same time, their well-being not only does not worsen, but also comes back to normal. The benefits of fasting are enormous. And there are a variety of methods to achieve this or that result.

The Benefits of Fasting for the Body

With a sharp impoverishment of caloric intake, the body begins to expend its own fat tissue and ketone bodies to replenish glucose, and this leads to an increase in the production of adrenal hormones, corticosteroids, which are characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the question of what good starvation is, you can answer that it has a therapeutic effect in various diseases.

In addition, it starts the process of purification from the products of decay - slags, toxins and poisons. Daily organs are exposed to toxic environmental aggression. Some of the toxins are neutralized, and some are deposited in tissues, lymph and cells in the form of slags. Gradually they accumulate and at some point provoke the oppression of the main vital functions. If the parasites are also populated, the situation may deteriorate considerably.

The Benefits of Fasting on the Water

This technique involves a complete refusal of food. You can drink only plain clean water stored at room temperature. Regularly resorting to this technique and practicing it every 7 days for 1-3 months, you can prepare the body for a longer abstinence from food and get rid of many ailments. Those who are interested in what good starvation on the water is useful, you can answer that it:

  1. Increases immunity.
  2. Clears the body. Lack of food provides an opportunity for the digestive system to rest and spend energy not on digestion, but on purification.
  3. Rejuvenates the body.
  4. Heals the intestinal microflora. Putrefactive processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract stop and pathogenic microorganisms die. The useful flora of fermented fermentation remains and heals, and as a result, the synthesis of biologically active substances is improved in the intestine.

The Benefits of Dry Fasting

If you refuse both food and liquids, the organism is put in even more severe conditions. The speed of all those processes that are characteristic of moist starvation, significantly increases. The tissues split even more quickly, and the therapeutic effect is achieved already on the third day and coincides with the ketoacidotic crisis. The peak is on the 9-11th day. The benefit of fasting is to speed up the cleansing, because even the water stops flowing into the body. This causes the cells to burn toxins in their own furnace.

In the absence of water, an internal thermonuclear reaction starts, which results in the survival of the most viable, healthy cells, and the patients die. The blood in an unchanged composition repeatedly passes through the filter elements, the plasma becomes perfectly clean, the coagulation is normalized. The benefit of dry fasting is also in a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect, because any inflammation needs water, and in its absence, microbes, viruses and other pathogens instantly perish. Only the body cells can withstand competition.

Is fasting useful for the liver?

The liver performs an important role in the body - it passes through the blood mass and cleans it of toxins, viruses, poisons, etc. In the absence of food, lipid metabolism is accelerated in the body. Their content in the liver drops by 30%. Those who are interested in whether fasting is useful for hepatitis C, it is worth noting that this is an inflammatory disease and should be recourse to it. In addition, enzymes participating in the process of amino acid metabolism are not produced in the absence of food and the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) remains normal.

Is fasting useful for gastritis?

It is known that the frequent cause of gastritis and stomach ulcers is the pathogenic microbe Helicobacter pylori . Its peculiarity is that it lives and multiplies only in an acidic environment that forms before eating or during a meal. To prevent the secretion of juice from the stomach and increase the level of its acidity will help starvation. It is shown only to people with gastritis. Moderate fasting is good for them. But those suffering a chronic ulcer are contraindicated.

Is fasting good for pancreatitis?

In this disease, the enzymes produced by the pancreas go badly into the 12-типерстную intestine and increase their activity in the gland itself, provoking the inflammation of this organ. The benefit of short starvation in pancreatitis is scientifically proven. The lack of food provides the gland with peace and the process of recovery is faster. This is the first thing that is prescribed to a patient in an acute period along with cold and rest.

The Benefits of Fasting for Depression

This radical method is widely practiced in many psychiatric hospitals. In this case, the benefit of one-day fasting will be insignificant: it is necessary to take a course of two to 3 weeks. This provides an opportunity to withdraw the body from a state of apathy. A person begins to experience emotions - both pleasant and unpleasant. Together with the purification of toxins, the tone rises, and together with it there is a desire to live and fight with the disease.

The Benefits of Fasting for the Brain

With refusal of food in the brain, favorable neurochemical changes are activated. Short-term fasting is useful because:

  1. Improves cognitive function.
  2. Increases the ability of gray matter to withstand stress.
  3. Increases the level of neurotrophic factors.
  4. Suppresses inflammation.

There is no doubt that fasting is useful, because it takes the cells from sleep to a state of self-renewal. As a result of the formation of new neurons from stem cells, stimulation of ketone production and an increase in the number of mitochondria in nerve cells, learning is increased and memory is improved. The ability of brain tissues to repair DNA and adapt to stress increases.

The Benefits of Fasting for Weight Loss

  1. Food, that is, calories in the body do not act, which makes it use its own reserves.
  2. Interested, what is the benefit of starvation yet, it is worth saying that abstinence from eating starts the process of purification. Its consequence is a recovery, as a result of which metabolism and metabolism are normalized.
  3. The benefit of fasting is also in the restart of all body systems. As a result, he gets rid of not only from extra pounds, but also many diseases.
  4. Regular fasting leads to a decrease in the size of the stomach. As a result, the feeling of satiety comes faster and the person imperceptibly passes on smaller portions of food. He quickly gets used to it and even reaching the desired result continues to eat the same way.
  5. Fasting also forms the right food habits. Losing weight stops enjoying harmful products , and useful ones become the basis of its diet.