From what products grow thin?

Nutritionists recommend for weight loss not to reduce the number of servings, but to cut their calorie content. Eat 5-6 times a day, and then you will not feel hungry during a diet. Properly selected foods that help to lose weight - this is half the way to the desired. Let's figure out what to eat to lose weight.

Slow carbohydrates rank first in the list of 10 products that will help lose weight. They should be consumed until 14.00, when carbohydrate metabolism is maximally active. Among them:

Protein - its digestion contributes to high energy costs, which means it will satiate for a long time. The way of preparation also plays a role: bake, boil and cook. It is necessary to give preference:

Lactic acid products are a source of energy, health and beauty. They are an integral part of the list, what foods are there to lose weight. Consume every day as a separate meal:

Cheeses are a very high-calorie thing, but they have essential fatty acids. Choose sheep's cheese or feta, combine them with vegetables in salads.

Green tea - a lot has been said about its usefulness for losing weight. It is known that if you choose which foods help you lose weight, then you can not do without it. Green tea burns fats through high levels of antioxidants and caffeine. Careful, hypertensive patients!

Grapefruit is not only a fat burner, it is also useful for its bitterness for the liver and gall bladder. Beans and legumes - their advantages are long digestion, a lot of plant proteins and a feeling of satiety, not for one hour.

Eggs are very high in calories, but the egg yolk contains a huge set of vitamins, plus - one egg will be sated as a full meal.

Cucumbers - satisfy hunger and, without argument, - low-calorie. If you are engaged in the selection of products from which you lose weight, be sure to pay attention to cucumbers. They are known satellites diets, 90% consist of a useful cucumber juice, it is due to the content of the liquid they saturate. Ideal snack and product for fasting days.

Red wine - other than good for the cardiovascular system, it also speeds up metabolism. But do not overdo it: half a glass a day is enough.

So, with what products to use to lose weight, we figured out. And what about the local approach? For example, you are interested in what it would be like to eat to burn excess fat on your stomach. Your assistant will be cinnamon - a natural antiseptic, speeds up the metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and heart. Very often people want to "clean" the stomach, and the reason lies in bloating. Cinnamon will regulate digestion and problems of bloating and constipation will remain only in terrible dreams.

If you are interested in what products your legs lose weight, then, first of all, you should exclude products, from which they get fat. Fats are usually deposited on thighs and thighs, the conclusion - you need to eat less fat. Leave in the diet of useful unsaturated fats, exclude pork and eat less fried. Learn to use the oven not only for baking cakes, open a steamer for yourself, or just stew.

The best advisor in choosing food is your own organism. But we must learn to distinguish his voice, from whispering bad habits, whose influence we have exacerbated from year to year. Choose always healthy foods, no fast foods and convenience foods, but at the same time, do not limit yourself to choosing any natural: the stomach knows best what it lacks.