The liver of a turkey is good and bad

Turkey's liver can not always be found in every store, but it's worth trying. This byproduct has a pleasant, gentle taste and is useful for us in its own way.

How is the liver of a turkey useful?

First, turkey liver is much more nutritious than chicken liver and even some kinds of meat. It contains more protein and about the same amount of fat, so the calorific value of a liver turkey is almost twice that of a chicken - in 100 g there are about 230 calories. For those who want to gain weight, this is a plus, but those who lose weight should eat turkey liver with caution because of its caloric value.

Secondly, the benefits of turkey liver lies in the vitamins and minerals that it contains.

  1. This byproduct is a source of vitamin B12, which plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis. The lack of this compound is often the cause of anemia, so the use of the liver will be a good prevention of the disease.
  2. The turkey liver is very rich in vitamin E - a powerful natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process, promotes cell regeneration and participates in the work of the female reproductive system.
  3. Another turkey liver contains niacin or nicotinic acid. In medicine, it is used as a medicine for many diseases.
  4. In the liver, vitamin C is also found, which strengthens the walls of the vessels and normalizes the functioning of the immune system.
  5. In addition, the liver turkey includes vitamin A, which makes our hair, nails and skin healthy, and also improves eyesight.
  6. Finally, the liver of the turkey is very useful for the thyroid gland because of the presence of selenium, which helps the iron absorb iodine. In addition, selenium is a part of vital compounds of our body.

The use of a liver turkey is due to the fact that people who regularly eat it, are less likely to face anemia, hypothyroidism and other disorders in the body.

Benefits and harm of turkey liver

As with any product, individual intolerance may occur to the liver, so the first time it should be eaten carefully. Do not forget that the caloric content of the liver of a turkey is quite high because of the presence of fats, so it is impossible to abuse this by-product by losing weight and people with high cholesterol.

Always carefully select the liver: it should be dense and smooth, have a uniform structure and sharp edges, a smooth reddish-brown color without blood clots and a normal odor.