Why is Vitamin E useful?

Vitamins are biologically active substances necessary for maintaining the functioning of human organs, an integral part of hormones and enzymes that regulate metabolic processes.

Vitamins, as a rule, come with food from the environment or are synthesized in the body. Its name was given to the vitamins from the Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, H, K (and others).

The most studied vitamins of group B. Many vitamins are grouped together on the basis of water or fat solubility. To liposoluble - lipovitaminam include A, K, D, E. they are absorbed only with simultaneous use and fats. Say carrot juice (containing vitamin A) is always drunk with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil.

Vitamins are very sensitive to environmental influences. Improper storage of food and heat treatment can reduce their number, or completely destroy them. The main factors affecting the safety of vitamins are the presence of air, moisture and acid-base balance of the environment, exposure to sunlight, high temperatures, metal ions, aggressive microorganisms, enzymes and adsorbents. Vitamins are closely related antivitamins, substances are similar in chemical composition, which replace vitamins in metabolic processes, break, or stop them.

Vitamin E is useful at a level with other vitamins. With a shortage in the body, hypovitaminosis develops, in the absence of avitaminosis. Such conditions are most frequent in the spring. Symptoms - decreased activity, apathy, fast fatigue and an increase in the necessary time for recovery.

What is the use of vitamin E?

Useful properties of vitamin E are hard to overestimate. It is an important link in the immune system, promotes the rapid recovery of the body, relieves fatigue, strengthens blood vessels, regulates blood clotting and improves circulation, normalizes blood pressure, lowers sugar levels, is very useful for diabetics and people with Alzheimer's disease . Reduces harm from smoking, protects against the development of cancerous tumors.

The benefits of vitamin E are especially important for women, because it is able to prolong youth and maintain beauty. Sensibly slows down the aging process, restores tissues, supports the muscular system. Rejuvenates the skin, reduces the risk of scarring after a breach of the integrity of the skin, does not allow the skin to cover with pigment spots. Regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces the manifestation of PMS, favorably affects the development of the reproductive system. Pregnant women take vitamin E as prescribed by a doctor. Improves the hormonal system, strengthens the placenta and reduces the chance of detachment, relieves fatigue and promotes healthy pregnancy.

The Benefits and Harms of Vitamin E

It is worth noting that the negative effect of the application comes after a very large overdose, which can cause deterioration of digestion, allergic reactions, cerebral hemorrhages and bleeding from the digestive tract. It is not appropriate to take vitamin E with blood thinners and with increased individual sensitivity.

To consume vitamin E costs daily. It is more useful when received with food. The daily norm of an adult is 30-45 mg. Contains vitamin E in vegetable oil, nuts, seeds of apples, liver, milk, spinach, sea buckthorn, broccoli. Wheat embryos, whole grains and bran are very useful.