What does magnesium contain?

Magnesium is an integral part of bones and tooth enamel is a natural tranquilizer and anti-stress mineral salt. It is indispensable for the body and ensures the normal functioning of about 300 enzymes. It is very important to know what magnesium contains, pregnant and lactating women, bodybuilders and people who are stressed when the need for this element increases.

The role of magnesium in the body

This mineral is involved in the exchange of glucose, fats, amino acids , transport of nutrients, and it is also necessary for energy production. With its "feed", proteins are synthesized, genetic information and nerve signals are transmitted. It is very important to know which foods contain magnesium to people with cardiovascular diseases, because it reduces the risk of aggravation and complications of these ailments. This element relieves tension of nerve fibers, soothes, eliminates spasms of smooth muscles, reduces the level of coagulability of blood.

Know everything about products and what exactly magnesium is important for older people, because this mineral to some extent increases the outflow of bile, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and motor function of the gallbladder. Enriching your diet with foods that contain magnesium most, you can prevent inflammation of a different nature and accelerate further recovery. Correct and balanced eating, you can avoid many nervous diseases, anxiety, insomnia, anxiety, headaches. Magnesium together with vitamin B6 prevents the formation of kidney stones, and vitamin D increases the effectiveness of this mineral.

Which foods contain a lot of magnesium?

  1. Seeds of pumpkin and sunflower. In the latter it is 6 times larger than in rye bread.
  2. Flax seeds and sesame seeds. The first are also the prevention of constipation, and the latter reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Nuts - walnuts, peanuts, cedar, almonds, hazelnuts , cashews. In addition, they have a lot of vitamins and minerals, phytoncides, antioxidants, protein;
  4. Cocoa powder and chocolate. Regularly eating them, you can help the body cope with stress and improve mood.
  5. Cereals - lentils, kidney beans, peas, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley. They are excellent sources of energy.
  6. Sea kale, which also provides the body's need for iodine.

Talking about what kind of fruit contains magnesium, it is present in dried apricots, prunes, apples, bananas, raisins, grapefruit, melon, oranges. The daily requirement for magnesium is 500-600 mg and it is easy to replenish if you eat three bananas a day or 100 g pumpkin seeds a day. However, the content of this mineral in the body is very dependent on calcium. With a deficiency of magnesium, calcium predominates, which can cause its deposition on vascular walls and internal organs. The situation may worsen with a lack of vitamin E.

How to understand that the body lacks magnesium:

Deficiency of magnesium can provoke some medicines, in particular, diuretics, alcoholism, coffee craze, and constant stress.