How much protein is in the mushrooms?

Since ancient times, mushrooms have been one of the most popular products all over the world. Such a wide spread they have received due to a significant amount of nutrients and vitamins, which contains this product. However, the girls who follow the figure, are often asked by the question, what is the content of proteins in the mushrooms and, as a consequence, whether they can be used during the diet. In this article, we will try to answer all questions about the amount of protein in mushrooms using them for food.

How much protein is in the mushrooms?

Nutritionists very often compare mushrooms with meat because they contain a large concentration of proteins, other nutrients and vitamins . The amount of proteins in fungi depends on the type of fungus, its part, as well as the way it is stored and cooked. For example, fresh, young mushrooms have the highest protein content in the tubular sporiferous layer, which is located under the cap. That's why for those who are involved in sports or watching the figure, it is very important to use this part of the fungus. The smallest protein content in the fungus in the leg. If we talk about the most "protein" method of processing, then the record holder is a dried product, as well as mushrooms, ground into powder. Plus, the latter is that, when consumed, the protein from the fungus powder will be assimilated by 88 percent compared to 70 percent of the protein found in fresh mushrooms.

If we talk about specific figures, the amount of protein in fresh mushrooms is 2-5% of the product. For dried mushrooms, this figure is much larger - 16-25%. For example, fresh white mushrooms contain 3.7 g of protein, in dried ones it is 20.1 g. In the pads, this figure is much lower - 2.3 g and 23.5 g, boletus - 3.3 g and 35.4, respectively . Champignons are record holders for protein content in fresh product - 4.3 g per 100 g of product.

Despite such an extensive list of useful properties and qualities, mushrooms , with their high protein content, can not be eaten by everyone and not always. It is better to refrain from mushroom snacks during the party or event with alcohol, since these two components of the festive table together have a negative effect on the human body. Similarly, people with a sick stomach or problems of this body should carefully use mushrooms for food because of the risk of exacerbation of the course of the disease. Try to eat mushrooms in small portions, while you get all the necessary useful properties and will not feel discomfort in the stomach.