Food rich in fiber

We all know that the human body can not do without fat, protein and carbohydrates. But for some reason it turned out that they talked about such an important component as cellulose not so long ago, and in fact it takes an active part in the functioning of our internal organs.

Food rich in vegetable fiber is quite diverse and easily accessible, which allows absolutely everyone to include it in their diet. In this article, you will learn what you need to eat to give your body the right amount of this useful component.

The Benefit of Food Rich in Fiber

To begin with, note that fiber is a plant fiber contained in the leaves and skins of vegetables, fruits, seeds and beans. It does not dissolve in the intestine, but it absorbs all substances, toxins and substances that are unnecessary to the body and removes them from the body. Therefore, products in which such fibers are very much, just necessary to maintain a diet.

Eating foods rich in fiber helps to get rid of digestive problems, prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, cardiovascular diseases. Also, cellulose does not give glucose to be quickly absorbed by the body, which helps reduce blood sugar, reduces the absorption of cholesterol, which helps to prevent the formation of gallstones.

Now let's look at what food is rich in fiber. This is primarily vegetables and fruits with peel, which is very important, because it is in the shell of fruit or vegetable contains most of both fiber and other nutrients. Then go cereal bran, all kinds of cereal, wheat flour, nuts, etc.

To make it easier for you to choose food rich in fiber, a table composed by specialists will be an excellent assistant for you. It resembles a small list of different products in percentage terms, which helps you to quickly select and calculate how much you need to eat.

For example, the daily rate of fiber for a person is 30-35 grams. Using a table with a list of foods rich in fiber, it's easy to know which portion of wheat porridge or bran can be allowed to eat so as not to exceed the stated norms and not to harm your body.

Since intensive consumption of food rich in fiber can lead to dehydration, if you decide to go on a diet, and eat some fruit-vegetables, be sure to drink more water, this helps not only deceive the stomach, but also protect yourself from unnecessary problems with health.