Vomiting of bile in a child

Nausea and vomiting are reflex protective reactions of the body, which help purify the digestive tract from harmful substances. A person can experience an attack of nausea, even if the substances that poison him did not enter the body through the digestive tract, but, for example, through the lungs.

Also, vomiting can be a symptom of many diseases - gastritis, cholecystitis, gastropoiesis, etc. Regardless of the reasons that caused vomiting in the child, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if you can not determine exactly what caused the attack or if the child is very sick, tears the bile, the temperature rises. An experienced doctor can determine the range of possible causes by the nature of vomit, so parents should pay attention to them.

For example, if a child is vomiting with bile, vomiting will be yellow or green and with a bitter taste. Often there are severe pains in the abdomen, sometimes the temperature rises.

Help the child with vomiting

Let's consider the general algorithm of what to do if a child is vomiting with bile:

Causes of vomiting of bile in a child

Let's consider the reasons why a child is vomiting bile. Most often, attacks of nausea and vomiting in children are after eating fatty, spicy and fried foods (especially at night). Vomiting of bile usually has such causes in children as dyskinesia of the biliary tract, blockage of the bile ducts or other pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts. The child can also regurgitate bile with appendicitis and poisonings of various kinds.

To prevent vomiting of bile in children, the following preventive measures should be observed: receive timely qualified medical care and care for any diseases, follow a healthy lifestyle, do not miss planned preventive medical examinations, fully and diversely eat, observe hygienic rules, carry out tempering of the body, e.