Triceps - exercises for women

Many women include in their training exercises for the press, for the buttocks and thighs, forgetting about the muscles of the hands, and in fact, for many, they look ugly. In the first place, this is due to the sagging triceps. Pleases the fact that this muscle is small and you can pump it for a short time. For training, you need to select several exercises for the triceps and include them in the main complex. The presented exercises are suitable for both training at home and in the gym. For training it is necessary to prepare dumbbells.

The most effective triceps exercises

Each exercise is recommended to repeat 10-15 times and it is best to do 2-3 approaches. You can train triceps every other day.

  1. Push-ups . This effective triceps exercise is very popular, and it is recommended to perform it by putting your feet on a hill. In this case, use fitball. To take the initial position of the foot, put it on the fitball or on another hill, for example, on the bench. Hands rest on the floor so that the distance between them is slightly less than the width of the shoulders. Go down by folding your arms at the elbows and until you get a right angle, and then, rise up, but do not fully extend your arms so that the load does not shift. Good triceps and normal push-ups train.
  2. Push-ups on the side . Another version of the triceps exercise for women, which gives a good result. To do this, lie on your side, slightly bend your knees, and keep your legs together. With your lower arm, hug yourself around the waist, and the other will rest on the floor in front of you. Raise and lower the upper body. Make the necessary number of repetitions and lie down on the other side.
  3. Straightening of hands standing . This exercise on the triceps is suitable for both the hall and the house, for its execution, take a dumbbell in both hands and hold it in outstretched hands above your head. Elbows should be pressed to the ears. Bend your arms, directing the dumbbell by the head before there is a right angle in the elbows. After that, raise the dumbbell again, due to the strain of the triceps.
  4. Straightening of arms standing in a slope . The next triceps exercise for women with dumbbells is performed near a flat surface and best near the bench. Stand in the left side near the bench and rest against it with your left arm and knee. In the other hand, hold the dumbbell. Slowly lift the dumbbell to your chest, bending your arm in the elbow, pointing it upwards. After pausing, put your hand down. You need to repeat on the other side.