Which ceiling is better for a bathroom?

Let's look more closely at what ceilings are in the bathroom. Making the finishing of the ceiling, you need to pay attention not only to the aesthetic appearance, but also to the suitability of the material used for a room with high humidity.

One of the traditional ways is painting , the cheapest option, but not the most convenient one. This method is good only if there are no defects on the ceiling, which is extremely rare. Before painting, as a rule, you need to carefully prepare the ceiling, remove all the shortcomings, first plaster, then primer. The question of what paint to paint the ceiling in the bathroom, is decided unequivocally: the paint should be acrylic. The undoubted advantage of painting is that it is easy to choose the right color, and periodically updating the painting of the ceiling, giving it a fresh look.

One of the possible options - stretch ceiling , it will look fashionable and modern. Having such quality, as elasticity, it withstands temperature changes. But, perhaps, one of its greatest merits is that when the neighbors flood from above, such a ceiling will hold up to 100 liters of water per square meter. However, its properties will not change, it is enough to invite specialists who mounted the ceiling, they will salt the water and stretch the ceiling again.

The task, which is better to choose a stretch ceiling in the bathroom, is easily solvable, a large number of color options will help in this. Such a ceiling can be shiny, matte, have bulges or be smooth, monophonic or with colored patterns.

To equip such a ceiling, special tools are needed, so specialists must be called. It is not cheap, but the result is worth it.

Very convenient in the installation of the rack ceiling, also uncomplicated and care for it, which is very important for the bathroom. It is not difficult to decide which type of ceiling to be used in the bathroom, because there are enough options. Reiki can be monophonic, color, with a reflective surface, such a ceiling will look like a mirror. Rack panels can be made of plastic, aluminum, and they are not subject to corrosion.